Laura Martínez Maestro
Laura Martínez Maestro
Profesor Ayudante Doctor, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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Cited by
Nanoparticles for photothermal therapies
D Jaque, LM Maestro, B del Rosal, P Haro-Gonzalez, A Benayas, ...
nanoscale 6 (16), 9494-9530, 2014
Temperature sensing using fluorescent nanothermometers
F Vetrone, R Naccache, A Zamarrón, A Juarranz de la Fuente, ...
ACS nano 4 (6), 3254-3258, 2010
NIR-to-NIR Two-Photon Excited CaF2:Tm3+,Yb3+ Nanoparticles: Multifunctional Nanoprobes for Highly Penetrating Fluorescence Bio-Imaging
NN Dong, M Pedroni, F Piccinelli, G Conti, A Sbarbati, ...
ACS nano 5 (11), 8665-8671, 2011
Subtissue Thermal Sensing Based on Neodymium-Doped LaF3 Nanoparticles
U Rocha, C Jacinto da Silva, W Ferreira Silva, I Guedes, A Benayas, ...
Acs Nano 7 (2), 1188-1199, 2013
CdSe quantum dots for two-photon fluorescence thermal imaging
LM Maestro, EM Rodriguez, FS Rodríguez, MCI la Cruz, A Juarranz, ...
Nano letters 10 (12), 5109-5115, 2010
High‐sensitivity fluorescence lifetime thermal sensing based on CdTe quantum dots
P Haro‐González, L Martínez‐Maestro, IR Martín, J García‐Solé, D Jaque
small 8 (17), 2652, 2012
CdTe quantum dots as nanothermometers: towards highly sensitive thermal imaging
LM Maestro, C Jacinto, UR Silva, F Vetrone, JA Capobianco, D Jaque, ...
small 7 (13), 1774-1778, 2011
Large-area, highly uniform evaporated formamidinium lead triiodide thin films for solar cells
J Borchert, RL Milot, JB Patel, CL Davies, AD Wright, L Martínez Maestro, ...
ACS Energy Letters 2 (12), 2799-2804, 2017
Fluorescent nanothermometers for intracellular thermal sensing
D Jaque, B Rosal, EM Rodríguez, LM Maestro, P Haro-Gonzalez, JG Solé
Nanomedicine 9 (7), 1047-1062, 2014
Heating efficiency of multi-walled carbon nanotubes in the first and second biological windows
LM Maestro, P Haro-González, B Del Rosal, J Ramiro, AJ Caamano, ...
Nanoscale 5 (17), 7882-7889, 2013
Deep tissue bio-imaging using two-photon excited CdTe fluorescent quantum dots working within the biological window
LM Maestro, JE Ramirez-Hernandez, N Bogdan, JA Capobianco, ...
Nanoscale 4 (1), 298-302, 2012
Water (H2O and D2O) Dispersible NIR-to-NIR Upconverting Yb3+/Tm3+ Doped MF2 (M = Ca, Sr) Colloids: Influence of the Host Crystal
M Pedroni, F Piccinelli, T Passuello, S Polizzi, J Ueda, P Haro-González, ...
Crystal growth & design 13 (11), 4906-4913, 2013
Nanoparticles for highly efficient multiphoton fluorescence bioimaging
LM Maestro, EM Rodriguez, F Vetrone, R Naccache, HL Ramirez, ...
Optics express 18 (23), 23544-23553, 2010
Quantum dot thermometry evaluation of geometry dependent heating efficiency in gold nanoparticles
LM Maestro, P Haro-González, A Sánchez-Iglesias, LM Liz-Marzán, ...
Langmuir 30 (6), 1650-1658, 2014
Quantum dot‐based thermal spectroscopy and imaging of optically trapped microspheres and single cells
P Haro‐González, WT Ramsay, LM Maestro, B Del Rosal, ...
Small 9 (12), 2162-2170, 2013
Optical trapping of NaYF 4: Er 3+, Yb 3+ upconverting fluorescent nanoparticles
P Haro-Gonzalez, B del Rosal, LM Maestro, EM Rodriguez, R Naccache, ...
Nanoscale 5 (24), 12192-12199, 2013
Near‐Infrared and Short‐Wavelength Infrared Photodiodes Based on Dye–Perovskite Composites
Q Lin, Z Wang, M Young, JB Patel, RL Milot, L Martinez Maestro, RR Lunt, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 27 (38), 1702485, 2017
Fluorescent nanothermometers provide controlled plasmonic-mediated intracellular hyperthermia
LM Maestro, P Haro-Gonzalez, MC Iglesias-De La Cruz, ...
Nanomedicine 8 (3), 379-388, 2013
On the existence of two states in liquid water: impact on biological and nanoscopic systems
LM Maestro, MI Marqués, E Camarillo, D Jaque, JG Solé, JA Gonzalo, ...
International Journal of Nanotechnology 13 (8-9), 667-677, 2016
Anisotropic lattice changes in femtosecond laser inscribed Nd3+: MgO: LiNbO3 optical waveguides
A Ródenas, LM Maestro, MO Ramírez, GA Torchia, L Roso, F Chen, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 106 (1), 013110-013110-6, 2009
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Articles 1–20