James Dean Ward
James Dean Ward
Strada Education Foundation
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Cited by
Coming Out and Leaving Home: A Policy and Research Agenda for LGBT Homeless Students
WG Tierney, JD Ward
Educational Researcher 46 (9), 498-507, 2017
An overview of state higher education funding approaches: Lessons and recommendations
JD Ward, ED Pisacreta, B Weintraut, M Kurzweil
Ithaka S+ R 10, 2020
Solving stranded credits: Assessing the scope and effects of transcript withholding on students, states, and institutions
J Karon, JD Ward, CB Hill, M Kurzweil
Ithaka S+ R 5, 2020
The Role of State Policy in Ensuring Access, Achievement, and Attainment in Education
JD Ward, WG Tierney
American Behavioral Scientist 61 (14), 1731-1739, 2017
Understanding DACA and the Implications for Higher Education.
K Venegas, M Cadena, C Galan, E Park, S Astudillo, AA Avilez, JD Ward, ...
Pullias Center for Higher Education, 2017
Resetting Prices: Estimating the Effect of Tuition Reset Policies on Institutional Finances and Enrollment
JD Ward, D Corral
Research in Higher Education 64 (6), 862-892, 2023
Intended and Unintended Consequences of For-Profit College Regulation: Examining the 90/10 Rule
JD Ward
Journal of Student Financial Aid 48 (3), 4, 2019
Setting a north star: Motivations, implications, and approaches to state postsecondary attainment goals
C Le, ED Pisacreta, JD Ward, Margolis, Jesse
Ithaka S+R, 2019
Raising the Bar What States Need to Do to Hit Their Ambitious Higher Education Attainment Goals
JD Ward, J Margolis, B Weintraut, ED Pisacreta
Ithaka S+R, 2020
Policies to Ensure Equitable Access to Well-Resourced Colleges and Universities
C Le, ED Pisacreta, JD Ward, J Margolis, H Booth
Ithaka S+R, 2020
Expanding pathways to college enrollment and degree attainment: Policies and reforms for a diverse population
C Le, ED Pisacreta, JD Ward, J Margolis
Publications. ITHAKA SR. https://doi. org/10.18665/sr, 2019
The Strategic Alignment of State Appropriations, Tuition, and Financial Aid Policies
JD Ward, C Le, ED Pisacreta, J Margolis
Ithaka S+R, 2019
Regulatory Enforcement as Policy: Exploring Factors Related to State Lawsuits Against For-Profit Colleges
JD Ward, WG Tierney
American Behavioral Scientist 61 (14), 1799-1823, 2017
The university as a sanctuary
WG Tierney, JD Ward, ZB Corwin, F Ngo, M Cadena, AA Avilez, ...
Pullias Center for Higher Education, University of Southern California …, 2017
The Transformation of the system of postsecondary education in the United States: The case of California
WG Tierney, JD Ward
Differentiated post-secondary systems and the role of the university, 149-157, 2017
Calibrating costs: Do tuition reset policies affect diverse student enrollment at private baccalaureate colleges?
D Corral, JD Ward
The Review of Higher Education 47 (2), 189-215, 2024
An Overview of State Higher Education Funding Approaches
JD Ward, ED Pisacreta, B Weintraut, M Kurzweil
Ithaka S+ R, Retrieved December 10, 2020, 2020
Emerging issues in federal higher education law: A brief guide for administrators and faculty
J Posselt, K Vanegas, JD Ward, T Hernandez, T DePaola
Pullias Center for Higher Education University of Southern California, 2017
Troubling changes in capital structures at small private colleges
JD Ward
Journal of Higher Education Management 31 (1), 57-74, 2016
Facing a crisis head‐on: Institutional borrowing decisions during times of uncertainty.
JD Ward, M Haynes
New Directions for Higher Education 2022 (198), 2022
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Articles 1–20