Brett Tyler
Brett Tyler
Oregon State University
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Cited by
Phytophthora genome sequences uncover evolutionary origins and mechanisms of pathogenesis
BM Tyler, S Tripathy, X Zhang, P Dehal, RHY Jiang, A Aerts, ...
Science 313 (5791), 1261-1266, 2006
The Top 10 oomycete pathogens in molecular plant pathology
S Kamoun, O Furzer, JDG Jones, HS Judelson, GS Ali, RJD Dalio, ...
Molecular plant pathology 16 (4), 413-434, 2015
Protein secretion systems in bacterial-host associations, and their description in the Gene Ontology
TT Tseng, BM Tyler, JC Setubal
BMC microbiology 9, 1-9, 2009
Effector diversification within compartments of the Leptosphaeria maculans genome affected by Repeat-Induced Point mutations
T Rouxel, J Grandaubert, JK Hane, C Hoede, AP Van de Wouw, ...
Nature communications 2 (1), 202, 2011
Phytophthora sojae: root rot pathogen of soybean and model oomycete
BM Tyler
Molecular plant pathology 8 (1), 1-8, 2007
Differential Recognition of Highly Divergent Downy Mildew Avirulence Gene Alleles by RPP1 Resistance Genes from Two Arabidopsis Lines
AP Rehmany, A Gordon, LE Rose, RL Allen, MR Armstrong, SC Whisson, ...
The Plant Cell 17 (6), 1839-1850, 2005
Signatures of adaptation to obligate biotrophy in the Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis genome
L Baxter, S Tripathy, N Ishaque, N Boot, A Cabral, E Kemen, M Thines, ...
science 330 (6010), 1549-1551, 2010
External lipid PI3P mediates entry of eukaryotic pathogen effectors into plant and animal host cells
SD Kale, B Gu, DGS Capelluto, D Dou, E Feldman, A Rumore, ...
Cell 142 (2), 284-295, 2010
RXLR-Mediated Entry of Phytophthora sojae Effector Avr1b into Soybean Cells Does Not Require Pathogen-Encoded Machinery
D Dou, SD Kale, X Wang, RHY Jiang, NA Bruce, FD Arredondo, X Zhang, ...
The Plant Cell 20 (7), 1930-1947, 2008
RXLR effector reservoir in two Phytophthora species is dominated by a single rapidly evolving superfamily with more than 700 members
RHY Jiang, S Tripathy, F Govers, BM Tyler
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (12), 4874-4879, 2008
Transcriptional Programming and Functional Interactions within the Phytophthora sojae RXLR Effector Repertoire
Q Wang, C Han, AO Ferreira, X Yu, W Ye, S Tripathy, SD Kale, B Gu, ...
The Plant Cell 23 (6), 2064-2086, 2011
A secreted effector protein of Laccaria bicolor is required for symbiosis development
JM Plett, M Kemppainen, SD Kale, A Kohler, V Legué, A Brun, BM Tyler, ...
Current Biology 21 (14), 1197-1203, 2011
Genome sequence of the necrotrophic plant pathogen Pythium ultimum reveals original pathogenicity mechanisms and effector repertoire
CA Lévesque, H Brouwer, L Cano, JP Hamilton, C Holt, E Huitema, ...
Genome biology 11, 1-22, 2010
A Phytophthora sojae Glycoside Hydrolase 12 Protein Is a Major Virulence Factor during Soybean Infection and Is Recognized as a PAMP
Z Ma, T Song, L Zhu, W Ye, Y Wang, Y Shao, S Dong, Z Zhang, D Dou, ...
The Plant Cell 27 (7), 2057-2072, 2015
Conserved C-Terminal Motifs Required for Avirulence and Suppression of Cell Death by Phytophthora sojae effector Avr1b
D Dou, SD Kale, X Wang, Y Chen, Q Wang, X Wang, RHY Jiang, ...
The Plant Cell 20 (4), 1118-1133, 2008
The Avr1b locus of Phytophthora sojae encodes an elicitor and a regulator required for avirulence on soybean plants carrying resistance gene Rps 1b
W Shan, M Cao, D Leung, BM Tyler
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 17 (4), 394-403, 2004
Molecular basis of recognition between Phytophthora pathogens and their hosts
BM Tyler
Annual review of phytopathology 40 (1), 137-167, 2002
Efficient disruption and replacement of an effector gene in the oomycete Phytophthora sojae using CRISPR/Cas9
Y Fang, BM Tyler
Molecular plant pathology 17 (1), 127-139, 2016
Molecular signals and receptors: controlling rhizosphere interactions between plants and other organisms
AM Hirsch, WD Bauer, DM Bird, J Cullimore, B Tyler, JI Yoder
Ecology 84 (4), 858-868, 2003
A paralogous decoy protects Phytophthora sojae apoplastic effector PsXEG1 from a host inhibitor
Z Ma, L Zhu, T Song, Y Wang, Q Zhang, Y Xia, M Qiu, Y Lin, H Li, L Kong, ...
Science 355 (6326), 710-714, 2017
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Articles 1–20