Zhencheng Fan
Zhencheng Fan
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Cited by
Deep learning and artificial intelligence in sustainability: a review of SDGs, renewable energy, and environmental health
Z Fan, Z Yan, S Wen
Sustainability 15 (18), 13493, 2023
Graph neural processes for spatio-temporal extrapolation
J Hu, Y Liang, Z Fan, H Chen, Y Zheng, R Zimmermann
Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and …, 2023
Predicting long-term skeletal motions by a spatio-temporal hierarchical recurrent network
J Hu, Z Fan, J Liao, L Liu
ECAI 2020, 2720-2727, 2020
Decoupling long-and short-term patterns in spatiotemporal inference
J Hu, Y Liang, Z Fan, L Liu, Y Yin, R Zimmermann
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2023
Towards unifying diffusion models for probabilistic spatio-temporal graph learning
J Hu, X Liu, Z Fan, Y Liang, R Zimmermann
Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Advances in …, 2024
Finger gesture recognition based on 3d-accelerometer and 3d-gyroscope
W Ma, J Hu, J Liao, Z Fan, J Wu, L Liu
Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management: 12th International Conference …, 2019
Prompt-Based Spatio-Temporal Graph Transfer Learning
J Hu, X Liu, Z Fan, Y Yin, S Xiang, S Ramasamy, R Zimmermann
Proceedings of the 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and …, 2024
Enhancing skeleton-based human motion recognition with Lie algebra and memristor-augmented LSTM and CNN
Z Fan, Z Yan, Y Cao, Y Yang, S Wen
AIMS Mathematics 9 (7), 17901-17916, 2024
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