Katharine Dommett
Cited by
Cited by
Digital campaigning: The rise of Facebook and satellite campaigns
K Dommett, L Temple
Parliamentary Affairs 71 (suppl_1), 189-202, 2018
The centre strikes back: Meta‐governance, delegation, and the core executive in the United Kingdom, 2010–14
K Dommett, M Flinders
Public administration 93 (1), 1-16, 2015
State of the field: What can political ethnography tell us about anti‐politics and democratic disaffection?
J Boswell, J Corbett, K Dommett, W Jennings, M Flinders, RAW Rhodes, ...
European Journal of Political Research 58 (1), 56-71, 2019
The political economy of Facebook advertising: Election spending, regulation and targeting online
K Dommett, S Power
The Political Quarterly 90 (2), 257-265, 2019
Data-driven political campaigns in practice: understanding and regulating diverse data-driven campaigns
K Dommett
Internet Policy Review 8 (4), 2019
What do we know about public attitudes towards experts? Reviewing survey data in the United Kingdom and European Union
K Dommett, W Pearce
Public Understanding of Science 28 (6), 669-678, 2019
The digital ecosystem: The new politics of party organization in parliamentary democracies
K Dommett, G Kefford, S Power
Party Politics 27 (5), 847-857, 2021
Opening the black box of administrative reform: A strategic-relational analysis of agency responses to termination threats
K Dommett, C Skelcher
International Public Management Journal 17 (4), 540-563, 2014
Data-driven campaigning and democratic disruption: Evidence from six advanced democracies
G Kefford, K Dommett, J Baldwin-Philippi, S Bannerman, T Dobber, ...
Party Politics 29 (3), 448-462, 2023
The theory and practice of party modernisation: The conservative party under David Cameron, 2005–2015
K Dommett
British Politics 10, 249-266, 2015
A recipe for impact? Exploring knowledge requirements in the UK Parliament and beyond
M Geddes, K Dommett, B Prosser
Evidence and Policy 14 (02), 259-276, 2018
Just what is data-driven campaigning? A systematic review
K Dommett, A Barclay, R Gibson
Information, Communication & Society 27 (1), 1-22, 2024
Bonfires and barbecues: coalition governance and the politics of quango reform
M Flinders, K Dommett, K Tonkiss
Contemporary British History 28 (1), 56-80, 2014
Reforming the Westminster model of agency governance: Britain and Ireland after the crisis
K Dommett, M MacCarthaigh, N Hardiman
Governance 29 (4), 535-552, 2016
Dynamics of intra-party organisation in the digital age: A grassroots analysis of digital adoption
K Dommett, L Temple, P Seyd
Parliamentary Affairs 74 (2), 378-397, 2021
Regulating digital campaigning: the need for precision in calls for transparency
K Dommett
Policy & Internet 12 (4), 432-449, 2020
Gap analysis: participatory democracy, public expectations and community assemblies in Sheffield
M Flinders, K Dommett
Local Government Studies 39 (4), 488-513, 2013
A miserable little compromise? Exploring Liberal Democrat fortunes in the UK coalition
K Dommett
The Political Quarterly 84 (2), 218-227, 2013
Data-driven campaigning and political parties: Five advanced democracies compared
K Dommett, G Kefford, S Kruschinski
Oxford University Press, 2024
The capricious relationship between technology and democracy: Analyzing public policy discussions in the UK and US
B Barrett, K Dommett, D Kreiss
Policy & Internet 13 (4), 522-543, 2021
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Articles 1–20