Professor Titular em Radiologia, Universidade de São Paulo
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Cited by
Prostatic artery embolization as a primary treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia: preliminary results in two patients
FC Carnevale, AA Antunes, JM da Motta Leal Filho, LM de Oliveira Cerri, ...
Cardiovascular and interventional radiology 33, 355-361, 2010
Quality of life and clinical symptom improvement support prostatic artery embolization for patients with acute urinary retention caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia
FC Carnevale, JM da Motta-Leal-Filho, AA Antunes, RH Baroni, ...
Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology 24 (4), 535-542, 2013
Nonprostatic diseases on PSMA PET imaging: a spectrum of benign and malignant findings
F de Galiza Barbosa, MA Queiroz, RF Nunes, LB Costa, EC Zaniboni, ...
Cancer Imaging 20, 1-23, 2020
Thyroid nodules: evaluation with power Doppler and duplex Doppler ultrasound
MC Chammas, R Gerhard, IRSD Oliveira, A Widman, ND Barros, ...
Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery 132 (6), 874-882, 2005
Gadolinium-enhanced three-dimensional MR angiography of Takayasu arteritis
MV Nastri, LPS Baptista, RH Baroni, R Blasbalg, LF de Ávila, CC Leite, ...
Radiographics 24 (3), 773-786, 2004
Hepatosplenic schistosomiasis mansoni: ultrasound manifestations.
GG Cerri, VA Alves, A Magalhães
Radiology 153 (3), 777-780, 1984
Diagnosis of herpes simplex encephalitis by magnetic resonance imaging and polymerase chain reaction assay of cerebrospinal fluid
RB Domingues, MCD Fink, AMC Tsanaclis, CC De Castro, GG Cerri, ...
Journal of the neurological sciences 157 (2), 148-153, 1998
MR imaging findings of iron overload
M Queiroz-Andrade, R Blasbalg, CD Ortega, MAM Rodstein, RH Baroni, ...
Radiographics 29 (6), 1575-1589, 2009
Fat necrosis of the breast: mammographic, sonographic, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging findings
LF Chala, N de Barros, P de Camargo Moraes, É Endo, SJ Kim, ...
Current problems in diagnostic radiology 33 (3), 106-126, 2004
Theranostics in nuclear medicine: emerging and re-emerging integrated imaging and therapies in the era of precision oncology
JF Gomes Marin, RF Nunes, AM Coutinho, EC Zaniboni, LB Costa, ...
Radiographics 40 (6), 1715-1740, 2020
Complications of liver transplantation: multimodality imaging approach
AHM Caiado, R Blasbalg, ASZ Marcelino, M da Cunha Pinho, ...
Radiographics 27 (5), 1401-1417, 2007
Ultrasound features of carpal tunnel syndrome: a prospective case-control study
RA Sernik, CA Abicalaf, BF Pimentel, A Braga-Baiak, L Braga, GG Cerri
Skeletal radiology 37, 49-53, 2008
CT scans of cranial tuberculosis
CC de Castro, NG de Barros, ZM de Sousa Campos, GG Cerri
Radiologic Clinics of North America 33 (4), 753-769, 1995
A rodent model of NASH with cirrhosis, oval cell proliferation and hepatocellular carcinoma
VMR de Lima, CPMS Oliveira, VAF Alves, MC Chammas, EP Oliveira, ...
Journal of hepatology 49 (6), 1055-1061, 2008
Diffusion imaging may predict reversible brain lesions in eclampsia and severe preeclampsia: initial experience
R Loureiro, CC Leite, S Kahhale, S Freire, B Sousa, EF Cardoso, ...
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 189 (5), 1350-1355, 2003
The value of teaching sectional anatomy to improve CT scan interpretation
N De Barros, CJ Rodrigues, AJ Rodrigues Jr, MA De Negri Germano, ...
Clinical Anatomy 14 (1), 36-41, 2001
Clinical findings and hemodynamic changes associated with severe occlusive carotid artery disease
VP Costa, S Kuzniec, LJ Molnar, GG Cerri, P Puech-Leão, CA Carvalho
Ophthalmology 104 (12), 1994-2002, 1997
Clinical, laboratorial, and urodynamic findings of prostatic artery embolization for the treatment of urinary retention related to benign prostatic hyperplasia. A prospective …
AA Antunes, FC Carnevale, JM da Motta Leal Filho, EM Yoshinaga, ...
Cardiovascular and interventional radiology 36, 978-986, 2013
Ultrasound evaluation of patients with carpal tunnel syndrome before and after endoscopic release of the transverse carpal ligament
CA Abicalaf, N De Barros, RA Sernik, BF Pimentel, A Braga-Baiak, ...
Clinical radiology 62 (9), 891-894, 2007
A review of adverse events related to prostatic artery embolization for treatment of bladder outlet obstruction due to BPH
AM Moreira, AM de Assis, FC Carnevale, AA Antunes, M Srougi, GG Cerri
Cardiovascular and interventional radiology 40, 1490-1500, 2017
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Articles 1–20