S.M. Zabed Ahmed
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Cited by
Measuring service quality of a public university library in Bangladesh using SERVQUAL
SMZ Ahmed, ZH Shoeb
Performance Measurement and Metrics 10 (1), 17-32, 2009
Use of electronic resources by the faculty members in diverse public universities in Bangladesh
SMZ Ahmed
The Electronic Library 31 (3), 290-312, 2013
Students’ perceptions of academic use of social networking sites: a survey of university students in Bangladesh
I Jahan, SMZ Ahmed
Information Development 28 (3), 235-247, 2012
Academic use of smartphones by university students: a developing country perspective
ME Hossain, SMZ Ahmed
The Electronic Library 34 (4), 651-665, 2016
The information needs and information-seeking behaviour of rural dwellers: A review of research
MS Islam, SMZ Ahmed
IFLA Journal 38 (2), 137-147, 2012
A survey of students' use of and satisfaction with university subscribed online resources in two specialized universities in a developing country
SMZ Ahmed
Library Hi Tech News 30 (3), 6-8, 2013
A user-centred design and evaluation of IR interfaces
SMZ Ahmed, C McKnight, C Oppenheim
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 38 (3), 157-172, 2006
Library and information science literature in Bangladesh: A bibliometric study
MSI Khan, SMZ Ahmed, MNU Munshi, N Akhter
Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science 3 (2), 11-34, 1998
A comparison of usability techniques for evaluating information retrieval system interfaces
SMZ Ahmed
Performance Measurement and Metrics 9 (1), 48-58, 2008
A study of users’ performance and satisfaction with the Web of Science IR interface
SMZ Ahmed, C McKnight, C Oppenheim
Journal of Information Science 30 (5), 459-468, 2004
Lotka's law and authorship distribution in nutrition research in Bangladesh
SMZ Ahmed, MA Rahman
CSIR, 2009
The use of IT-based information services: an investigation into the current status of public universities in Bangladesh
SMZ Ahmed
Program 48 (2), 167-184, 2014
Exploring the factors influencing the usability of academic websites: A case study in a university setting
MS Rahman, SMZ Ahmed
Business information review 30 (1), 40-47, 2013
An empirical investigation of information skills among undergraduate students at Dhaka University
J Ferdows, SMZ Ahmed
Library Review 64 (4/5), 274-284, 2015
Rural library services: a qualitative assessment of information provision in selected rural communities in northern districts of Bangladesh
MS Islam, SMZ Ahmed
New Library World 113 (3-4), 118-138, 2012
A bibliometric analysis of diarrhoeal disease research in Bangladesh
A Khatun, SM Ahmed
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2011
ICT infrastructure and access to online services: determining the factors affecting faculty satisfaction with university-subscribed resources
U Habiba, SMZ Ahmed
International Information & Library Review 53 (2), 112-130, 2021
Usability testing for an open-source integrated library system
A Khatun, SMZ Ahmed
The Electronic Library 36 (3), 487-503, 2018
Developing a service performance assessment system to improve service quality of academic libraries
MJ Hossain, SMZ Ahmed
Business Information Review 30 (4), 210-221, 2013
Individual differences in service quality assessment
ZH Shoeb, SMZ Ahmed
Performance measurement and metrics 10 (3), 193-211, 2009
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