Nezar Hammouri
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Cited by
Stability analysis of slopes using the finite element method and limiting equilibrium approach
NA Hammouri, AIH Malkawi, MMA Yamin
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 67, 471-478, 2008
An integrated approach to groundwater exploration using remote sensing and geographic information system
N Hammouri, A El-Naqa, M Barakat
Journal of Water Resource and Protection 4 (9), 717-724, 2012
Drought analysis in Jordan under current and future climates
MI Al-Qinna, NA Hammouri, MM Obeidat, FY Ahmad
Climatic change 106 (3), 421-440, 2011
GIS-based evaluation of groundwater vulnerability in the Russeifa area, Jordan
A El-Naqa, N Hammouri, M Kuisi
Revista mexicana de ciencias geológicas 23 (3), 277-287, 2006
Vulnerability mapping of shallow groundwater aquifer using SINTACS model in the Jordan Valley area, Jordan
M Al Kuisi, A El-Naqa, N Hammouri
Environmental Geology 50, 651-667, 2006
Water scarcity impact of climate change in semi-arid regions: a case study in Mujib basin, Jordan
M Abu-Allaban, A El-Naqa, M Jaber, N Hammouri
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 8, 951-959, 2015
Groundwater deterioration of shallow groundwater aquifers due to overexploitation in northeast Jordan
A El‐Naqa, M Al‐Momani, S Kilani, N Hammouri
CLEAN–Soil, Air, Water 35 (2), 156-166, 2007
GIS based hydrogeological vulnerability mapping of groundwater resources in Jerash area-Jordan
N Hammouri, A El-Naqa
Geofísica internacional 47 (2), 85-97, 2008
Hydrological modeling of ungauged wadis in arid environments using GIS: a case study of Wadi Madoneh in Jordan
N Hammouri, A El-Naqa
Revista mexicana de ciencias geológicas 24 (2), 185-196, 2007
Drought assessment using GIS and remote sensing in Amman-Zarqa basin, Jordan
N Hammouri, A El-Naqa
Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 1 (2), 142-152, 2007
Groundwater recharge zones mapping using GIS: a case study in Southern part of Jordan Valley, Jordan
N Hammouri, H Al-Amoush, M Al-Raggad, S Harahsheh
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 7, 2815-2829, 2014
Intrinsic vulnerability assessment for the alluvial aquifer in the northern part of Jordan valley
H Al-Amoush, NA Hammouri, F Zunic, E Salameh
Water resources management 24 (13), 3461-3485, 2010
Climate change impacts on surface water resources in arid and semi-arid regions: a case study in northern Jordan
N Hammouri, J Adamowski, M Freiwan, S Prasher
Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica 52, 141-156, 2017
Integrated approach for groundwater exploration in Wadi Araba using remote sensing and GIS
A El-Naqa, N Hammouri, K Ibrahim, M El-Taj
Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 3 (3), 229-243, 2009
Assessment of the urban sprawl on agriculture lands of two major municipalities in Jordan using supervised classification techniques
SD Al-Kofahi, N Hammouri, MN Sawalhah, AA Al-Hammouri, FJ Aukour
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 11, 1-12, 2018
Community based adaptation options for climate change impacts on water resources: The case of Jordan
N Hammouri, M Al-Qinna, M Salahat, J Adamowski, SO Prasher
Journal of Water and Land Development, 2015
COVID-19 lockdown and the impact on mobility, air quality, and utility consumption: a case study from Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
A Shanableh, R Al-Ruzouq, MA Khalil, MBA Gibril, K Hamad, M Alhosani, ...
Sustainability 14 (3), 1767, 2022
Identifying major factors controlling groundwater quality in semiarid area using advanced statistical techniques
M Salahat, M Al-Qinna, K Mashal, N Hammouri
Water resources management 28, 3829-3841, 2014
Flood susceptibility mapping using a novel integration of multi-temporal sentinel-1 data and eXtreme deep learning model
R Al-Ruzouq, A Shanableh, R Jena, MBA Gibril, NA Hammouri, ...
Geoscience Frontiers 15 (3), 101780, 2024
Potential impacts of climate change on surface water resources in arid regions using downscaled regional circulation model and soil water assessment tool, a case study of Amman …
I Al-Hasani, M Al-Qinna, NA Hammouri
Climate 11 (3), 51, 2023
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