Alexandre Ickowicz
Alexandre Ickowicz
Researcher, CIRAD-FAO Consultant (NSAG)
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Cited by
Spatial carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus budget in a village of the West African savanna—II. Element flows and functioning of a mixed-farming system
RJ Manlay, A Ickowicz, D Masse, C Feller, D Richard
Agricultural systems 79 (1), 83-107, 2004
Crop–livestock production systems in the Sahel–increasing resilience for adaptation to climate change and preserving food security
A Ickowicz, V Ancey, C Corniaux, G Duteurtre, R Poccard-Chappuis, ...
Building resilience for adaptation to climate change in the agriculture …, 2012
An agent-based model to understand the multiple uses of land and resources around drillings in Sahel
A Bah, I Touré, C Le Page, A Ickowicz, AT Diop
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 44 (5-6), 513-534, 2006
Spatial carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus budget of a village in the West African savanna—I. Element pools and structure of a mixed-farming system
RJ Manlay, A Ickowicz, D Masse, C Floret, D Richard, C Feller
Agricultural systems 79 (1), 55-81, 2004
How to better account for livestock diversity and fodder seasonality in assessing the fodder intake of livestock grazing semi-arid sub-Saharan Africa rangelands
MH Assouma, P Lecomte, P Hiernaux, A Ickowicz, C Corniaux, ...
Livestock Science 216, 16-23, 2018
Factors affecting the body condition score of N'Dama cows under extensive range management in Southern Senegal
P Ezanno, A Ickowicz, F Bocquier
Animal Research 52 (1), 37-48, 2003
Can virtual fences be used to control grazing sheep?
M Jouven, H Leroy, A Ickowicz, P Lapeyronie
The Rangeland Journal 34 (1), 111-123, 2012
Forêts soudaniennes et alimentation des bovins au Sénégal: potentiel et limites
A Ickowicz, M Mbaye
BOIS & FORETS DES TROPIQUES 270, 47-61, 2001
Conception et évaluation de systèmes d’élevage durables en régions chaudes
B Dedieu, J Aubin, G Duteurtre, G Alexandre, J Vayssières, P Bommel, ...
INRA Productions Animales 24 (1), 113-128, 2011
Approche dynamique du bilan fourrager appliquée à des formations pastorales du Sahel tchadien
A Ickowicz
Paris 12, 1995
How do pastoral families combine livestock herds with other livelihood security means to survive? The case of the Ferlo area in Senegal
C Manoli, V Ancey, C Corniaux, A Ickowicz, B Dedieu, CH Moulin
Pastoralism 4, 1-11, 2014
Relationships between N'Dama cow body condition score and production performance under an extensive range management system in Southern Senegal: calf weight gain, milk …
P Ezanno, A Ickowicz, R Lancelot
Livestock Production Science 92 (3), 291-306, 2005
Contrasted seasonal balances in a Sahelian pastoral ecosystem result in a neutral annual carbon balance
MH Assouma, P Hiernaux, P Lecomte, A Ickowicz, M Bernoux, ...
Journal of Arid Environments 162, 62-73, 2019
Livestock induces strong spatial heterogeneity of soil CO2, N2O and CH4 emissions within a semi-arid sylvo-pastoral landscape in West Africa
MH Assouma, D Serça, F Guérin, V Blanfort, P Lecomte, I Touré, ...
Journal of Arid Land 9, 210-221, 2017
Instantaneous intake rate of free-grazing cattle as affected by herbage characteristics in heterogeneous tropical agro-pastoral landscapes
G Chirat, JCJ Groot, S Messad, F Bocquier, A Ickowicz
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 157, 48-60, 2014
La vulnérabilité pastorale au Sahel: portée et limite des systèmes d’alerte basés sur des indicateurs
V Ancey, A Ickowicz, I Touré, A Wane, AT Diop
L’élevage, richesse des pauvres: Stratégies d’éleveurs et organisations …, 2009
Stratégies pastorales de sécurisation chez les Peuls du Ferlo (Sénégal)
V Ancey, A Ickowicz, C Corniaux, C Manoli, S Magnani
Journal des africanistes, 105-119, 2008
Acacia senegal, arbre fourrager sahélien ?
A Ickowicz, D Friot, H Guérin
BOIS & FORETS DES TROPIQUES 284, 59-69, 2005
Managing grassland systems in a changing climate: the search for practical solutions.
JF Soussana, LG Barioni, TB Ari, R Conant, P Gerber, P Havlik, ...
Pastoralisme en zone sèche: Le cas de l'Afrique subsaharienne
B Toutain, A Marty, A Bourgeot, A Ickowicz, P Lhoste
CSFD, 2012
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Articles 1–20