Pedro L. de Andres
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General Model for Water Monomer Adsorption on Close-Packed Transition<? format?> and Noble Metal Surfaces
A Michaelides, VA Ranea, PL De Andres, DA King
Physical review letters 90 (21), 216102, 2003
Strong covalent bonding between two graphene layers
PL De Andres, R Ramírez, JA Vergés
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (4), 045403, 2008
Holographic Leed
DK Saldin, PL De Andres
Physical review letters 64 (11), 1270, 1990
A diffuse LEED study of the adsorption structure of disordered benzene on Pt (111)
A Wander, G Held, RQ Hwang, GS Blackman, ML Xu, P de Andres, ...
Surface science 249 (1-3), 21-34, 1991
Water dimer diffusion on Pd {111} assisted by an H-bond donor-acceptor tunneling exchange
VA Ranea, A Michaelides, R Ramírez, PL De Andres, JA Vergés, DA King
Physical review letters 92 (13), 136104, 2004
Epitaxial growth of cobalt films on Cu (100): a crystallographic LEED determination
JR Cerda, PL De Andres, A Cebollada, R Miranda, E Navas, P Schuster, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 5 (14), 2055, 1993
Hydrogen in -iron: Stress and diffusion
J Sanchez, J Fullea, C Andrade, PL De Andres
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (1), 014113, 2008
Theory of the scanning tunneling microscope: Xe on Ni and Al
N Mingo, L Jurczyszyn, FJ Garcia-Vidal, R Saiz-Pardo, PL De Andres, ...
Physical Review B 54 (3), 2225, 1996
Adsorption and reaction of CO 2on Ni {110}: X-ray photoemission, near-edge X-ray absorption fine-structure and diffuse leed studies
G Illing, D Heskett, EW Plummer, HJ Freund, J Somers, T Lindner, ...
Surface Science 206 (1-2), 1-19, 1988
Bending modes, anharmonic effects, and thermal expansion coefficient in single-layer and multilayer graphene
PL De Andres, F Guinea, MI Katsnelson
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (14), 144103, 2012
Hydrogen on graphene under stress: molecular dissociation and gap opening
H McKay, DJ Wales, SJ Jenkins, JA Verges, PL De Andres
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (7), 075425, 2010
Chemical equilibrium in AGB atmospheres: successes, failures, and prospects for small molecules, clusters, and condensates
M Agúndez, JI Martínez, PL de Andres, J Cernicharo, JA Martín-Gago
Astronomy & Astrophysics 637, A59, 2020
Ordered vacancy network induced by the growth of epitaxial graphene on Pt (111)
G Otero, C González, AL Pinardi, P Merino, S Gardonio, S Lizzit, ...
Physical review letters 105 (21), 216102, 2010
Lifetime in a two-dimensional image-potential–induced electron band
P De Andres, PM Echenique, F Flores
Physical Review B 35 (9), 4529, 1987
Ab initio molecular dynamics simulation of hydrogen diffusion in -iron
J Sanchez, J Fullea, MC Andrade, PL De Andres
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (13), 132102, 2010
Elastic scattering and the lateral resolution of ballistic electron emission microscopy: Focusing effects on the Au/Si interface
FJ Garcia-Vidal, PL De Andres, F Flores
Physical review letters 76 (5), 807, 1996
Structure of Rutile : Formation of Quasi-1D Metallic Chains
M Blanco-Rey, J Abad, C Rogero, J Méndez, MF López, JA Martín-Gago, ...
Physical review letters 96 (5), 055502, 2006
Theory of ballistic electron emission microscopy
PL De Andres, FJ Garcia-Vidal, K Reuter, F Flores
Progress in Surface Science 66 (1-2), 3-51, 2001
Density functional theory study of the interaction of monomeric water with the Ag {111} surface
VA Ranea, A Michaelides, R Ramirez, JA Verges, PL De Andres, DA King
Physical Review B 69 (20), 205411, 2004
First-principles calculation of the effect of stress on the chemical activity of graphene
PL De Andres, JA Vergés
Applied Physics Letters 93 (17), 2008
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Articles 1–20