Audun Myers
Cited by
Cited by
Persistent homology of complex networks for dynamic state detection
A Myers, E Munch, FA Khasawneh
Physical Review E 100 (2), 022314, 2019
On the automatic parameter selection for permutation entropy
A Myers, FA Khasawneh
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 30 (3), 033130, 2020
Temporal network analysis using zigzag persistence
A Myers, D Muñoz, FA Khasawneh, E Munch
EPJ Data Science 12 (1), 6, 2023
Teaspoon: A comprehensive python package for topological signal processing
AD Myers, M Yesilli, S Tymochko, F Khasawneh, E Munch
TDA {\&} Beyond, 2020
Topological analysis of temporal hypergraphs
A Myers, C Joslyn, B Kay, E Purvine, G Roek, M Shapiro
International workshop on algorithms and models for the web-graph, 127-146, 2023
Anapt: Additive noise analysis for persistence thresholding
AD Myers, FA Khasawneh, BT Fasy
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.04039, 2020
Damping parameter estimation using topological signal processing
AD Myers, FA Khasawneh
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 174, 109042, 2022
Low-cost double pendulum for high-quality data collection with open-source video tracking and analysis
AD Myers, JR Tempelman, D Petrushenko, FA Khasawneh
HardwareX 8, e00138, 2020
Icml 2023 topological deep learning challenge: Design and results
M Papillon, M Hajij, A Myers, H Jenne, J Mathe, T Papamarkou, ...
Topological, Algebraic and Geometric Learning Workshops 2023, 3-8, 2023
Delay parameter selection in permutation entropy using topological data analysis
AD Myers, MM Chumley, FA Khasawneh
La Matematica 3 (3), 1103-1136, 2024
Persistent homology of coarse-grained state-space networks
AD Myers, MM Chumley, FA Khasawneh, E Munch
Physical Review E 107 (3), 034303, 2023
Permutation Entropy for Signal Analysis
B Kay, A Myers, T Boydston, E Ellwein, C Mackenzie, I Alvarez, E Lentz
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 26 (Special issues), 2024
Persistence of weighted ordinal partition networks for dynamic state detection
A Myers, FA Khasawneh, E Munch
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 22 (1), 65-89, 2023
TopFusion: Using topological feature space for fusion and imputation in multi-modal data
A Myers, H Kvinge, T Emerson
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
Dynamic State Analysis of a Driven Magnetic Pendulum Using Ordinal Partition Networks and Topological Data Analysis
A Myers, FA Khasawneh
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2020
Effects of correlated noise on the performance of persistence based dynamic state detection methods
JR Tempelman, A Myers, JT Scruggs, FA Khasawneh
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2020
ICML Topological Deep Learning Challenge 2024: Beyond the Graph Domain
G Bernárdez, L Telyatnikov, M Montagna, F Baccini, M Papillon, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.05211, 2024
Stepping Out of Flatland: Discovering behavior patterns as topological structures in Cyber hypergraphs
H Jenne, SG Aksoy, D Best, A Bittner, G Henselman-Petrusek, C Joslyn, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.16154, 2023
Malicious Cyber Activity Detection using Zigzag Persistence
A Myers, A Bittner, S Aksoy, D Best, G Henselman-Petrusek, H Jenne, ...
2023 IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing (DSC), 1-8, 2023
Permissible Walks in Attributed Hypergraphs
E Battistella, S English, R Green, C Joslyn, E Lagoda, V Magnan, A Myers, ...
2023 Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM 2023), 2023
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Articles 1–20