David Pereira Inácio
David Pereira Inácio
Electrial and Computers Engineer
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Numerical and experimental comparison of electromechanical properties and efficiency of HTS and ferromagnetic hysteresis motors
D Inácio, S Inácio, J Pina, A Gonçalves, MV Neves, AL Rodrigues
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 97 (1), 012218, 2008
Conventional and HTS disc motor with pole variation control
D Inácio, S Inácio, J Pina, S Valtchev, MV Neves, JFA Martins, ...
2009 International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical …, 2009
Estudo do motor em disco com o rotor em alumínio e em supercondutor multi-semente
DDP Inácio
Research and development of alternative concepts in HTS machines
JM Pina, D Inácio, G Luís, JM Ceballos, P Pereira, J Martins, ...
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 21 (3), 1141-1145, 2010
Experimental characterization of a conventional (aluminum) and of a superconducting (YBCO) axial flux disc motor
D Inácio, JM Pina, G Luis, JF Martins, M Ventim-Neves, A Álvarez
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 21 (3), 1146-1150, 2011
An electrical gearbox by means of pole variation for induction and superconducting disc motor
S Inácio, D Inácio, JM Pina, S Valtchev, MV Neves, AL Rodrigues
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 97 (1), 012221, 2008
Study of an axial flux disc motor with superconductor rotor
D Inácio, JM Pina, P Pereira, A Pronto, MV Neves, A Álvarez
2015 9th International Conference on Compatibility and Power Electronics …, 2015
Disc Motor with Rotor Made of Aluminium or Polycrystalline High Temperature Superconductor
D Inácio, JM Pina, MV Neves, A Álvarez
Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, 451-458, 2015
A fractional power disk shaped motor with superconducting armature
GF Luís, D Inácio, JM Pina, MV Neves
Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, 545-552, 2011
Disc motor: Conventional and superconductor simulated results analysis
D Inácio, J Martins, MV Neves, A Álvarez, AL Rodrigues
Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, 505-512, 2010
Lumped Parameters Equivalent Circuit of a Superconducting Hysteresis Motor
D Inácio, JM Pina, J Martins, MV Neves, A Álvarez
Physics Procedia 36, 975-979, 2012
Comparação numérica e experimental das características dos Motores de Histerese Convencional e Supercondutor
D Inácio
FCT-UNL, 2008
Experimental Magnetic Field Mapping of a Polycrystalline Superconducting YBCO Disc for an Axial Flux Motor
D Inácio, JM Pina, JM Ceballos, MV Neves, A Álvarez
Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, 467-474, 2015
Preliminary Studies and Test Results of a Superconducting Hysteresis Motor with Multiphase Windings and Variable Number of Magnetic Poles
R Dionísio, JM Pina, D Inácio, AL Rodrigues
Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, 431-440, 2013
Axial Disc Motor Experimental Analysis Based in Steinmetz Parameters
D Inácio, J Martins, MV Neves, A Álvarez, AL Rodrigues
Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, 529-536, 2011
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Articles 1–15