Chester Sellers
Chester Sellers
Docente Investigador, Universidad del Azuay
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Cited by
Monitoring land surface deformation associated with gold artisanal mining in the Zaruma City (Ecuador)
L Ammirati, N Mondillo, RA Rodas, C Sellers, D Di Martire
Remote Sensing 12 (13), 2135, 2020
Landslide susceptibility mapping of landslides with artificial neural networks: Multi-approach analysis of backpropagation algorithm applying the neuralnet package in Cuenca …
E Bravo-López, T Fernández Del Castillo, C Sellers, J Delgado-García
Remote Sensing 14 (14), 3495, 2022
Landslide awareness system (Laws) to increase the resilience and safety of transport infrastructure: The case study of pan-American highway (Cuenca–Ecuador)
P Miele, M Di Napoli, L Guerriero, M Ramondini, C Sellers, ...
Remote Sensing 13 (8), 1564, 2021
Morfología interpretativa de alta resolución con datos LIDAR en la cuenca del río Paute-Ecuador
C Sellers, E Corbelle, S Buján, D Miranda
IERSE 30, 131-180, 2015
Comparative analysis of meteorological monitoring using an integrated low-cost environmental unit based on the Internet of Things (IoT) with an Automatic Meteorological Station …
JS Carranco, FD Salgado, C Sellers, H Torres
2017 IEEE Second Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting (ETCM), 1-6, 2017
Analysis of conditioning factors in cuenca, ecuador, for landslide susceptibility maps generation employing machine learning methods
E Bravo-López, T Fernández Del Castillo, C Sellers, J Delgado-García
Land 12 (6), 1135, 2023
MARLI: a mobile application for regional landslide inventories in Ecuador
CA Sellers, S Buján, D Miranda
Landslides 18 (12), 3963-3977, 2021
Discovering behavioral patterns among air pollutants: A data mining approach
D Arce, F Lima, M Orellana, J Ortega, C Sellers, P Ortega
Enfoque UTE 9 (4), 168-179, 2018
Multitemporal relative landslide exposure and risk analysis for the sustainable development of rapidly growing cities
M Di Napoli, P Miele, L Guerriero, M Annibali Corona, D Calcaterra, ...
Landslides 20 (9), 1781-1795, 2023
Publicación de contaminantes atmosféricos de la estación de monitoreo de la ciudad de Cuenca, utilizando servicios estándares OGC
CAS Walden
ACI Avances en Ciencias e Ingenierías 9 (1), 2017
The Use DInSAR technique for the study of land subsidence associated with illegal mining activities in Zaruma–Ecuador, a cultural heritage cite
C Sellers, L Ammirati, MA Khalili, S Buján, RA Rodas, D Di Martire
European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 553-562, 2022
Publicación de los contaminantes atmosféricos de la estación de monitoreo en tiempo real de la ciudad de Cuenca, utilizando servicios estándares OGC
S Walden, C Andrew
Recuperado de http://dspace. uazuay. edu. ec/handle/datos/2546, 2013
DecHPoints: A new tool for improving LiDAR data filtering in urban areas
S Buján, CA Sellers, M Cordero, D Miranda
PFG–Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science 88 …, 2020
EJE 07-09 Morfología interpretativa de alta resolución usando datos LiDAR en la cuenca hidrográfica del río Paute en Ecuador
C Sellers, S Buján, E Corbelle, D Miranda
Memorias y Boletines de la Universidad del Azuay, 399-411, 2017
Landslide awareness system (LAwS) to increase the resilience and safety of transport infrastructure: the case study of Pan-American Highway (Cuenca–Ecuador). Remote Sens 13: 1564
P Miele, M Di Napoli, L Guerriero, M Ramondini, C Sellers, ...
Descubriendo patrones de comportamiento entre contaminantes del aire: Un enfoque de minería de datos
D Arce, F Lima, M Orellana, J Ortega, C Sellers, P Ortega
Enfoque UTE 9 (4), 168-179, 2018
Morfología interpretativa de alta resolución usando datos LIDAR en la cuenca hidrográfica del río Paute en Ecuador. IERSE 30: 131–180
C Sellers, E Corbelle, S Buján, D Miranda
Ground deformation monitoring of a strategic building affected by slow-moving landslide in Cuenca (Ecuador)
C Sellers, R Rodas, NP Carrasco, R De Stefano, D Di Martire, ...
European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring: Special Collection of …, 2021
Assessment of MT-InSAR processing techniques for slow-moving landslides monitoring in Cuenca (Ecuador) through double-band SAR satellite
MA Khalili, L Guerriero, S Coda, C Sellers, D Calcaterra, D Di Martire
Italian journal of engineering geology and environment, 81-88, 2023
Landslide susceptibility assessment in expansion areas of the rapidly growing city of Cuenca (Ecuador)
M Di Napoli, MA Corona, L Guerriero, P Miele, M Ramondini, C Sellers, ...
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Articles 1–20