Evelyn Gius
Evelyn Gius
Professor for Digital Philology, Technical University of Darmstaft
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The hermeneutic profit of annotation: On preventing and fostering disagreement in literary analysis
E Gius, J Jacke
International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing 11 (2), 233-254, 2017
The Order of Things. A Study on Topic Modelling of Literary Texts.
I Uglanova, E Gius, F Karsdorp, B McGillivray, A Nerghes, M Wevers
CHR, 2020, 2020
Collaborative Text Annotation Meets Machine Learning: heureCLÉA, a Digital Heuristics of Narrative.
T Bögel, M Gertz, E Gius, J Jacke, JC Meister, M Petris, J Strötgen
The Digital Humanities Commons, 2015
Detecting scenes in fiction: A new segmentation task
A Zehe, L Konle, LK Dümpelmann, E Gius, A Hotho, F Jannidis, ...
Proceedings of the 16th conference of the European chapter of the …, 2021
Abgeleitete Textformate: Text und Data Mining mit urheberrechtlich geschützten Textbeständen
C Schöch
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, 2020
Guessing morphological classes of unknown German nouns
P Nakov, Y Bonev, G Angelova, E Gius, W Hahn
Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing III: Selected papers from …, 2006
Automated Event Annotation in Literary Texts.
M Vauth, HO Hatzel, E Gius, C Biemann
CHR, 333-345, 2021
A shared task for the digital humanities chapter 1: Introduction to annotation, narrative levels and shared tasks
N Reiter, M Willand, E Gius
Journal of Cultural Analytics 4 (3), 2019
E Gius, JC Meister, M Meister, M Petris, C Bruck, J Jacke, M Schumacher, ...
Zenodo, 2022
Erzählen über Konflikte: ein Beitrag zur digitalen Narratologie
E Gius
De Gruyter, 2015
Informatik und Hermeneutik. Zum Mehrwert interdisziplinärer Textanalyse
E Gius, J Jacke
Sonderband der Zeitschrift für digitale Geisteswissenschaften 1, 2015
Project description–herma: Automated modelling of hermeneutic processes
U Gaidys, E Gius, M Jarchow, G Koch, W Menzel, D Orth, H Zinsmeister
Hamburger Journal für Kulturanthropologie (HJK) 7, 119-123, 2017
Computationelle Textanalysen als fünfdimensionales Problem: Ein Modell zur Beschreibung von Komplexität
E Gius
LitLab Pamphlet 8, 1-20, 2019
Towards an event based plot model. a computational narratology approach
E Gius, M Vauth
Journal of Computational Literary Studies 1 (1), 2022
Narration and Escalation. An Empirical Study of Conflict Narratives
E Gius
Diegesis 5 (1), 2016
Machine learning in computational literary studies
HO Hatzel, H Stiemer, C Biemann, E Gius
it-Information Technology 65 (4-5), 200-217, 2023
Foreword to the special issue “A shared task for the digital humanities: annotating narrative levels”
E Gius, N Reiter, M Willand
Journal of Cultural Analytics 4 (3), 2019
Are Computational Literary Studies Structuralist?
E Gius, J Jacke
Journal of Cultural Analytics 7 (4), 2022
Shared Task on Scene Segmentation@ KONVENS 2021.
A Zehe, L Konle, S Guhr, LK Dümpelmann, E Gius, A Hotho, F Jannidis, ...
STSS@ KONVENS, 1-21, 2021
Zur annotation narratologischer kategorien der zeit. guidelines zur nutzung des catma-tagsets
E Gius, J Jacke
Version, 2016
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Articles 1–20