Saif uddin
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Cited by
A review of microplastic distribution in sediment profiles
S Uddin, SW Fowler, MF Uddin, M Behbehani, A Naji
Marine Pollution Bulletin 163, 111973, 2021
Microplastics in wastewater outlets of Bandar Abbas city (Iran): A potential point source of microplastics into the Persian Gulf
A Naji, S Azadkhah, H Farahani, S Uddin, FR Khan
Chemosphere 262, 128039, 2021
Microplastic ingestion in important commercial fish in the southern Caspian Sea
M Zakeri, A Naji, A Akbarzadeh, S Uddin
Marine Pollution Bulletin 160, 111598, 2020
Evidence of microplastics (MP) in gut content of major consumed marine fish species in the State of Kuwait (of the Arabian/Persian Gulf)
SM Al-Salem, S Uddin, B Lyons
Marine pollution bulletin 154, 111052, 2020
An assessment of microplastic inputs into the aquatic environment from wastewater streams
S Uddin, SW Fowler, M Behbehani
Marine Pollution Bulletin 160, 111538, 2020
Phthalates in indoor dust in K uwait: implications for non‐dietary human exposure
B Gevao, AN Al‐Ghadban, M Bahloul, S Uddin, J Zafar
Indoor air 23 (2), 126-133, 2013
Microplastics in the atmosphere: A review
N Habibi, S Uddin, SW Fowler, M Behbehani
J. Environ. Expo. Assess 1 (6), 10.20517, 2022
Microplastic particles in the Persian/Arabian Gulf–a review on sampling and identification
S Uddin, SW Fowler, T Saeed
Marine pollution bulletin 154, 111100, 2020
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in soils along a rural-urban-rural transect: Sources, concentration gradients, and profiles
B Gevao, AN Ghadban, S Uddin, FM Jaward, M Bahloul, J Zafar
Environmental Pollution 159 (12), 3666-3672, 2011
A preliminary assessment of size-fractionated microplastics in indoor aerosol—Kuwait’s baseline
S Uddin, SW Fowler, N Habibi, S Sajid, S Dupont, M Behbehani
Toxics 10 (2), 71, 2022
Petroleum hydrocarbon pollution in sediments from the Gulf and Omani waters: Status and review
S Uddin, SW Fowler, T Saeed, B Jupp, M Faizuddin
Marine Pollution Bulletin 173, 112913, 2021
Challenges and limitations of the 210Pb sediment dating method: Results from an IAEA modelling interlaboratory comparison exercise
M Barsanti, R Garcia-Tenorio, A Schirone, M Rozmaric, ...
Quaternary Geochronology 59, 101093, 2020
Localized hyper saline waters in Arabian Gulf from desalination activity—an example from South Kuwait
S Uddin, AN Al Ghadban, A Khabbaz
Environmental monitoring and assessment 181, 587-594, 2011
Acidification in Arabian Gulf–Insights from pH and temperature measurements
S Uddin, B Gevao, AN Al-Ghadban, M Nithyanandan, D Al-Shamroukh
Journal of Environmental Monitoring 14 (5), 1479-1482, 2012
An assessment of microplastics threat to the marine environment: A short review in context of the Arabian/Persian Gulf
SM Al-Salem, S Uddin, F Al-Yamani
Marine Environmental Research 159, 104961, 2020
Radioactivity in the Kuwait marine environment—baseline measurements and review
S Uddin, A Aba, SW Fowler, M Behbehani, A Ismaeel, H Al-Shammari, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 100 (2), 651-661, 2015
Standardized protocols for microplastics determinations in environmental samples from the Gulf and marginal seas
S Uddin, SW Fowler, T Saeed, A Naji, N Al-Jandal
Marine Pollution Bulletin 158, 111374, 2020
Ecological Consequences of River Manipulations and Drainage of Mesopotamian Marshes on the Arabian Gulf Ecosystem: Investigations on Changes in Sedimentology and Environment …
AN Al-Ghadban
A remote sensing classification for land-cover changes and micro-climate in Kuwait
S Uddin, AN Al Ghadban, A Al Dousari, M Al Murad, D Al Shamroukh
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 5 (4), 367-377, 2010
Concentrations of trace metals in phytoplankton and zooplankton in the Gulf of Gabès, Tunisia
N Annabi-Trabelsi, W Guermazi, Q Karam, M Ali, S Uddin, V Leignel, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 168, 112392, 2021
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Articles 1–20