Imoh Imeh Johnny
Imoh Imeh Johnny
Johnny I I, University of Uyo
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African mistletoes (Loranthaceae); ethnopharmacology, chemistry and medicinal values: an update
SK Adesina, HC Illoh, II Johnny, IE Jacobs
African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines 10 …, 2013
Tetrapleura tetraptera Taub-ethnopharmacology, chemistry, medicinal and nutritional values-a review
SK Adesina, EO Iwalewa, II Johnny
British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 12 (3), 1-22, 2016
Plants in respiratory disorders II-Antitussives, A review
SK Adesina, II Johnny, G Olayiwola
British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 16 (3), 2017
Antidiabetic Effect of Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. ex Fr) kumm. Mushroom on Alloxan-induced Diabetic Rats.
I Johnny, J Okon
methods 6, 7, 2013
Lesser known spices of Akwa Ibom state; their nutritional, antinutritional, mineral and phytochemical analyses
ME Bassey, II Johnny, BI Okoro
Archives of Applied Science Research 3 (3), 553-559, 2011
Pharmacognostic characterization of Cola millenii K. schum.(Malvaceae)
II Johnny, UF Umoh, RA Umoh, MF Alozie, AS Udobre, AC Igboasoiyi, ...
Asian Journal of Biology 14 (1), 6-24, 2022
ME Bassey, II Johnny, OT Umoh, FT Douglas
World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 9 (4), 1400-1410, 2020
Phytochemical Screening and Anti-Hyperglycaemic Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Terminalia ivorensis A. Chev. Leaves on Albino Wistar Rats.
JE Johnny, I. I, Ekong, N. J. and Okon
Global Advanced Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Science 3 (8), 186-189, 2014
Pharmacognostic Evaluation of the Leaves and Stems of Justicia Secunda Vahl
RA Umoh, II Johnny, OT Umoh, AE Udoh, VU Anah, LC Obah-Eni
World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 9 (11), 5-18, 2020
Evaluation of genotoxic and cytotoxic activities of leaf and seed extracts of Telfairia occidentalis
SP Magnus, MO Anagboso, II Johnny, UP Ise, JE Okokon
Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Research 25 (3), 7-16, 2024
Genotoxic and Cytotoxic Activities of Hippocratea africana Loes. Ex. Engl. Celastraceae Root Extract
II Johnny, JE Okokon, EB Ochigbo, IJ Udo, AM Adefabi
Asian J. Biochem. Gen. Mol. Biol 15 (2), 38-45, 2023
Micromorphological and pharmacognostic studies of leaf and stem of Solenostermon monostachyus P. Beauv. (Lamiaceae)
WEEPEU Romanus A. Imoh, Imoh I. Johnny, Anwanabasi E. Udoh, Nsima A. Andy ...
Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medical Research 16 (4), 230-240, 2021
Pharmacognostic and taxonomic studies of Cola parchycarpa K
II Johnny, ME Bassey
Schum.(Malvaceae). Asian Plant Research Journal 6 (3), 33-45, 2020
Plants in respiratory disorders II antitussives
SK Adesina, II Johnny, G Olayiwola
Br. J. Pharm. Res 16 (3), 1-21, 2017
Taxonomic and Pharmacognostic Evaluation of Leaf of Mussaenda philippica.(Rubiaceae)
RA Umoh, II Johnny, AE Udoh, NA Andy, A Essien, IJ Udoh, TE Ekpo, ...
Asian Plant Research Journal 9 (1), 6-13, 2022
Comparative phytochemical analysis of the leaves and stem of five species of Sida L
ME Bassey, II Johnny, OT Umoh, UIM George
JOCAMR 14 (3), 26-31, 2021
Phytopharmacognostic Evaluation of the Leaves OF Gnetum africanum Welw (Gnetaceae)
RA Umoh, UF Umoh, II Johnny, OT Umoh, VU Anah, AE Udoh, AA Elijah, ...
Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medical Research 11 (3), 32-41, 2020
A lectin with larvicidal potential from the fresh leaves of Agelanthus brunneus (Engl.) Van Tiegh Loranthaceae
II Johnny, A Kuku, OO Odekanyin, SK Adesina
J Pharm Res Int 13 (3), 1-9, 2016
Evaluation of genotoxic and cytotoxic activities of three vegetables (Heinsia crinata, Justicia insularis and Lasianthera africana) Using Allium cepa test
E Ikechukwu, P Agu, H Olumuji, MO Anagboso, NO Ebong, JE Okokon
Asian Journal of Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology 16 (4), 10-20, 2024
Genotoxic Potential, Total Flavonoid and Phenolic Contents of Solanum anomalum Thonn. Ex Schumach Leaf
JE Okokon, II Johnny, EO Edet, IC Etuk, IJ Udo
Asian J. Biochem. Gen. Mol. Biol 15 (3), 104-113, 2023
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Articles 1–20