L.R.M. Maas
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Observation of an internal wave attractor in a confined, stably stratified fluid
LRM Maas, D Benielli, J Sommeria, FPA Lam
Nature 388 (6642), 557-561, 1997
Geophysical and astrophysical fluid dynamics beyond the traditional approximation
T Gerkema, JTF Zimmerman, LRM Maas, H Van Haren
Reviews of Geophysics 46 (2), 2008
Geometric focusing of internal waves
LRM Maas, FPA Lam
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 300, 1-41, 1995
A new pressure sensory mechanism for prey detection in birds: the use of principles of seabed dynamics?
T Piersma, R Aelst, K Kurk, H Berkhoudt, LRM Maas
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 1998
Observations on the vertical structure of tidal and inertial currents in the central North Sea
LRM Maas, JJM Van Haren
Wave focusing and ensuing mean flow due to symmetry breaking in rotating fluids
LRM Maas
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 437, 13-28, 2001
Internal tides in the Bay of Biscay: conversion rates and seasonal effects
T Gerkema, FPA Lam, LRM Maas
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 51 (25-26), 2995-3008, 2004
Strong inertial currents and marginal internal wave stability in the central North Sea
H van Haren, L Maas, JTF Zimmerman, H Ridderinkhof, H Malschaert
Geophysical Research Letters 26 (19), 2993-2996, 1999
The diffusionless Lorenz equations; Shil’nikov bifurcations and reduction to an explicit map
G van der Schrier, LRM Maas
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 141 (1-2), 19-36, 2000
Wave attractors: linear yet nonlinear
LRM Maas
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 15 (09), 2757-2782, 2005
Predator escape tactics in birds: linking ecology and aerodynamics
PJ Van den Hout, KJ Mathot, LRM Maas, T Piersma
Behavioral Ecology 21 (1), 16-25, 2010
On the nature of internal wave spectra near a continental slope
H van Haren, L Maas, H van Aken
Geophysical Research Letters 29 (12), 57-1-57-3, 2002
Observations of inertial waves in a rectangular basin with one sloping boundary
AMM Manders, LRM Maas
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 493, 59-88, 2003
Observations on the wavenumber spectrum and evolution of an internal wave attractor
J Hazewinkel, P Van Breevoort, SB Dalziel, LRM Maas
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 598, 373-382, 2008
On the nonlinear Helmholtz response of almost-enclosed tidal basins with sloping bottoms
LRM Maas
Journal of fluid mechanics 349, 361-380, 1997
A critical look at the calculation of the binding characteristics and concentration of iron complexing ligands in seawater with suggested improvements
LJA Gerringa, MJA Rijkenberg, CE Thuróczy, LRM Maas
Environmental Chemistry 11 (2), 114-136, 2014
Inertial waves in rotating grid turbulence
GP Bewley, DP Lathrop, LRM Maas, KR Sreenivasan
Physics of Fluids 19 (7), 2007
A simple model for the three‐dimensional, thermally and wind‐driven ocean circulation
LRM Maas
Tellus A 46 (5), 671-680, 1994
Do tidally-generated inertial waves heat the subsurface oceans of Europa and Enceladus?
M Rovira-Navarro, M Rieutord, T Gerkema, LRM Maas, W van Der Wal, ...
Icarus 321, 126-140, 2019
On the amphidromic structure of inertial waves in a rectangular parallelepiped
LRM Maas
Fluid Dynamics Research 33 (4), 373, 2003
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Articles 1–20