Jan Hansen
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Cited by
An interim channel model for beyond-3G systems: extending the 3GPP spatial channel model (SCM)
DS Baum, J Hansen, J Salo, G Del Galdo, M Milojevic, P Kyösti
2005 IEEE 61st Vehicular Technology Conference 5, 3132-3136, 2005
Application of time-reversal with MMSE equalizer to UWB communications
T Strohmer, M Emami, J Hansen, G Papanicolaou, AJ Paulraj
IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2004. GLOBECOM'04. 5, 3123-3127, 2004
Matched filtering with rate back-off for low complexity communications in very large delay spread channels
M Emami, M Vu, J Hansen, AJ Paulraj, G Papanicolaou
Conference Record of the Thirty-Eighth Asilomar Conference on Signals …, 2004
Predicted time reversal performance in wireless communications using channel measurements
SM Emami, J Hansen, AD Kim, G Papanicolaou, AJ Paulraj, D Cheung, ...
IEEE Communications Letters 2 (2), 36-38, 2004
Final report on link level and system level channel models
DS Baum, H El-Sallabi, T Jamsa, J Meinila, P Kyosti, X Zhao, D Laselva, ...
WINNER project deliverable D 5, 2005
Time reversal techniques for broadband wireless communication systems
C Oestges, J Hansen, SM Emami, AD Kim, G Papanicolaou, AJ Paulraj
European Microwave Conference (Workshop), 49-66, 2004
Interpolation-based QR decomposition in MIMO-OFDM systems
D Cescato, M Borgmann, H Bolcskei, J Hansen, A Burg
IEEE 6th Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications …, 2005
A geometrical investigation of the rank-1 Ricean MIMO channel at high SNR
J Hansen, H Bolcskei
International Symposium onInformation Theory, 2004. ISIT 2004. Proceedings., 64, 2004
Transfer function method for predicting the emissions in a CISPR-25 test-setup
A Radchenko, VV Khilkevich, N Bondarenko, D Pommerenke, M Gonser, ...
IEEE transactions on electromagnetic compatibility 56 (4), 894-902, 2014
A novel stochastic millimeter-wave indoor radio channel model
J Hansen
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 20 (6), 1240-1246, 2002
MIMO capacity and antenna array design
HNM Mbonjo, J Hansen, V Hansen
IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2004. GLOBECOM'04. 5, 3155-3159, 2004
An analytical calculation of power delay profile and delay spread with experimental verification
J Hansen
IEEE Communications Letters 7 (6), 257-259, 2003
Space-frequency precoding with space–tap correlation information at the transmitter
E Yoon, J Hansen, A Paulraj
IEEE Transactions on Communications 55 (9), 1702-1711, 2007
Space-frequency precoding for an OFDM based system exploiting spatial and path correlation
E Yoon, J Hansen, A Paulraj
IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2004. GLOBECOM'04. 1, 436-440, 2004
Generation of physical equivalent circuits using 3D simulations
F Traub, J Hansen, W Ackermann, T Weiland
2012 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 486-491, 2012
Method for calculating functions of the channel matrices in linear MIMO-OFDM data transmission
A Burg, H Bölcskei, M Borgmann, D Cescato, J Hansen
US Patent 7,742,536, 2010
A novel segmentation approach for modeling of radiated emission and immunity test setups
VS Reddy, P Kralicek, J Hansen
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility 59 (6), 1781-1790, 2017
Efficient indoor radio channel modeling based on integral geometry
J Hansen, M Reitzner
IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation 52 (9), 2456-2463, 2004
Frequency domain EMI-simulation and resonance analysis of a DCDC-converter
P Hillenbrand, M Böttcher, S Tenbohlen, J Hansen
2016 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility-EMC EUROPE …, 2016
Size distributions out of static light scattering: inclusion of distortions from the experimental setup, eg, a SOFICA-type goniometer
JC Hansen, D Maier, J Honerkamp, W Richtering, FM Horn, H Senff
Journal of colloid and interface science 215 (1), 72-84, 1999
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Articles 1–20