Julie Bremner
Julie Bremner
Principal Marine Ecologist, Cefas; Honorary Associate Professor
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Assessing functional diversity in marine benthic ecosystems: a comparison of approaches
J Bremner, SI Rogers, CLJ Frid
Marine Ecology Progress Series 254, 11-25, 2003
Methods for describing ecological functioning of marine benthic assemblages using biological traits analysis (BTA)
J Bremner, SI Rogers, CLJ Frid
Ecological Indicators 6 (3), 609-622, 2006
Species' traits and ecological functioning in marine conservation and management
J Bremner
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 366 (1-2), 37-47, 2008
A bioturbation classification of E uropean marine infaunal invertebrates
AM Queirós, SNR Birchenough, J Bremner, JA Godbold, RE Parker, ...
Ecology and evolution 3 (11), 3958-3985, 2013
Matching biological traits to environmental conditions in marine benthic ecosystems
J Bremner, SI Rogers, CLJ Frid
Journal of Marine Systems 60 (3-4), 302-316, 2006
Incorporating ecological functioning into the designation and management of marine protected areas
CLJ Frid, OAL Paramor, S Brockington, J Bremner
Challenges to Marine Ecosystems: Proceedings of the 41st European Marine …, 2008
Extensive gaps and biases in our knowledge of a well‐known fauna: implications for integrating biological traits into macroecology
EHM Tyler, PJ Somerfield, EV Berghe, J Bremner, E Jackson, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 21 (9), 922-934, 2012
Functional diversity of marine macrobenthic communities from sublittoral soft-sediment habitats off northern Chile
AS Pacheco, MT González, J Bremner, M Oliva, O Heilmayer, J Laudien, ...
Helgoland Marine Research 65, 413-424, 2011
Trait-based approaches in rapidly changing ecosystems: A roadmap to the future polar oceans
R Degen, M Aune, BA Bluhm, C Cassidy, M Kędra, C Kraan, L Vandepitte, ...
Ecological Indicators 91, 722-736, 2018
Marine benthic ecological functioning over decreasing taxonomic richness
A Törnroos, E Bonsdorff, J Bremner, M Blomqvist, AB Josefson, C Garcia, ...
Journal of Sea Research 98, 49-56, 2015
Assessment of the subtidal macrobenthic community functioning of a temperate estuary following environmental restoration
H Veríssimo, J Bremner, C Garcia, J Patrício, P van der Linden, ...
Ecological Indicators 23, 312-322, 2012
Biological traits of the North Sea benthos: does fishing affect benthic ecosystem function?
J Bremner, CLJ Frid, SI Rogers
Symposium on Effects of Fishing Activities on Benthic Habitats, 477-489, 2005
Assessing marine ecosystem health: the long-term effects of fishing on functional biodiversity in North Sea benthos
J Bremner, CLJ Frid, SI Rogers
Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 6 (2), 131-137, 2003
Assessing the recovery of functional diversity after sustained sediment screening at an aggregate dredging site in the North Sea
CRSB Froján, KM Cooper, J Bremner, EC Defew, WMRW Hussin, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 92 (3), 358-366, 2011
A field test of the intermediate disturbance hypothesis in the soft‐bottom intertidal
M Huxham, I Roberts, J Bremner
International Review of Hydrobiology: A Journal Covering all Aspects of …, 2000
Developing a methodology for incorporating ecological structure and functioning into designation of Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) in the 0–12 nautical mile zone
J Bremner, OAL Paramor, CLJ Frid
A report to English Nature from University of Liverpool, Liverpool, 2006
Semi-supervised segmentation for coastal monitoring seagrass using RPA imagery
B Hobley, R Arosio, G French, J Bremner, T Dolphin, M Mackiewicz
Remote Sensing 13 (9), 1741, 2021
Spatial synchronies in the seasonal occurrence of larvae of oysters (Crassostrea gigas) and mussels (Mytilus edulis/galloprovincialis) in European coastal waters
CJM Philippart, A Amaral, R Asmus, J Van Bleijswijk, J Bremner, ...
Estuarine, coastal and shelf science 108, 52-63, 2012
Biological traits approaches in benthic marine ecology: Dead ends and new paths
S de Juan, J Bremner, J Hewitt, A Törnroos, MC Mangano, S Thrush, ...
Ecology and Evolution 12 (6), e9001, 2022
Assessing ecological functioning in marine benthic communities
J Bremner
Newcastle University, 2005
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Articles 1–20