Urban agglomeration: An evolving concept of an emerging phenomenon C Fang, D Yu Landscape and urban planning 162, 126-136, 2017 | 958 | 2017 |
spdep: Spatial dependence: weighting schemes, statistics and models R Bivand, L Anselin, O Berke, A Bernat, M Carvalho, Y Chun, ... R package version 0.5-31, URL http://CRAN. R-project. org/package= spdep, 2011 | 666* | 2011 |
A system dynamic modeling approach for evaluating municipal solid waste generation, landfill capacity and related cost management issues N Kollikkathara, H Feng, D Yu Waste management 30 (11), 2194-2203, 2010 | 283 | 2010 |
Capability of Sentinel-2 MSI data for monitoring and mapping of soil salinity in dry and wet seasons in the Ebinur Lake region, Xinjiang, China J Wang, J Ding, D Yu, X Ma, Z Zhang, X Ge, D Teng, X Li, J Liang, ... Geoderma 353, 172-187, 2019 | 275 | 2019 |
区域承载力定量研究方法探讨 毛汉英, 余丹林 地球科学进展 16 (4), 549, 2001 | 234 | 2001 |
Monitoring and evaluating spatial variability of soil salinity in dry and wet seasons in the Werigan–Kuqa Oasis, China, using remote sensing and electromagnetic induction … J Ding, D Yu Geoderma 235, 316-322, 2014 | 223 | 2014 |
Machine learning-based detection of soil salinity in an arid desert region, Northwest China: A comparison between Landsat-8 OLI and Sentinel-2 MSI J Wang, J Ding, D Yu, D Teng, B He, X Chen, X Ge, Z Zhang, Y Wang, ... Science of the Total Environment 707, 136092, 2020 | 217 | 2020 |
环渤海地区区域承载力研究 毛汉英, 余丹林 地理学报 56 (3), 363-371, 2001 | 196 | 2001 |
Coastal vulnerability: Evolving concepts in understanding vulnerable people and places A Bevacqua, D Yu, Y Zhang Environmental Science & Policy 82, 19-29, 2018 | 163 | 2018 |
spgwr: Geographically weighted regression R Bivand, D Yu, T Nakaya, MA Garcia-Lopez R package version 0.6-32, 2017 | 163* | 2017 |
Tobacco outlet density and demographics: analysing the relationships with a spatial regression approach D Yu, NA Peterson, MA Sheffer, RJ Reid, JE Schnieder Public health 124 (7), 412-416, 2010 | 159 | 2010 |
Spatially varying development mechanisms in the Greater Beijing Area: a geographically weighted regression investigation DL Yu The Annals of Regional Science 40, 173-190, 2006 | 149 | 2006 |
Spatial data analysis of regional development in Greater Beijing, China, in a GIS environment D Yu, YD Wei Papers in Regional Science 87 (1), 97-119, 2008 | 147 | 2008 |
Modeling spatial dimensions of housing prices in Milwaukee, WI D Yu, YD Wei, C Wu Environment and Planning B: Planning and design 34 (6), 1085-1102, 2007 | 144 | 2007 |
Dynamic detection of water surface area of Ebinur Lake using multi-source satellite data (Landsat and Sentinel-1A) and its responses to changing environment J Wang, J Ding, G Li, J Liang, D Yu, T Aishan, F Zhang, J Yang, ... Catena 177, 189-201, 2019 | 115 | 2019 |
Exploring spatiotemporally varying regressed relationships: The geographically weighted panel regression analysis D Yu The international archives of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial …, 2010 | 108 | 2010 |
状态空间衡量区域承载状况初探——以环渤海地区为例 余丹林, 毛汉英, 高群 地理研究 22 (2), 201-210, 2003 | 108 | 2003 |
Ensemble machine-learning-based framework for estimating total nitrogen concentration in water using drone-borne hyperspectral imagery of emergent plants: A case study in an … J Wang, T Shi, D Yu, D Teng, X Ge, Z Zhang, X Yang, H Wang, G Wu Environmental Pollution 266, 115412, 2020 | 107 | 2020 |
The livable urban landscape: GIS and remote sensing extracted land use assessment for urban livability in Changchun Proper, China B Fu, D Yu, Y Zhang Land use policy 87, 104048, 2019 | 104 | 2019 |
Analyzing regional inequality in post-Mao China in a GIS environment D Yu, YD Wei Eurasian Geography and Economics 44 (7), 514-534, 2003 | 104 | 2003 |