Peter Berkelman
Peter Berkelman
Mechanical Engineering, University of Hawai'i
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Cited by
A miniature microsurgical instrument tip force sensor for enhanced force feedback during robot-assisted manipulation
PJ Berkelman, LL Whitcomb, RH Taylor, P Jensen
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation 19 (5), 917-921, 2003
Preliminary experiments in cooperative human/robot force control for robot assisted microsurgical manipulation
R Kumar, P Berkelman, P Gupta, A Barnes, PS Jensen, LL Whitcomb, ...
Proceedings 2000 ICRA. Millennium Conference. IEEE International Conference …, 2000
A compact, compliant laparoscopic endoscope manipulator
P Berkelman, P Cinquin, J Troccaz, J Ayoubi, C Letoublon, F Bouchard
Proceedings 2002 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation …, 2002
Adaptive magnetic levitation apparatus and method
WD Meadow Jr, WD Meadow, PJ Berkelman
US Patent 7,224,252, 2007
A compact modular teleoperated robotic system for laparoscopic surgery
P Berkelman, J Ma
The International journal of robotics research 28 (9), 1198-1215, 2009
Robot-assisted stapedotomy: micropick fenestration of the stapes footplate
DL Rothbaum, J Roy, D Stoianovici, P Berkelman, GD Hager, RH Taylor, ...
Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery 127 (5), 417-426, 2002
A miniature instrument tip force sensor for robot/human cooperative microsurgical manipulation with enhanced force feedback
PJ Berkelman, LL Whitcomb, RH Taylor, P Jensen
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2000 …, 2000
Magnetic levitation over large translation and rotation ranges in all directions
P Berkelman, M Dzadovsky
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 18 (1), 44-52, 2011
Performance evaluation of a cooperative manipulation microsurgical assistant robot applied to stapedotomy
PJ Berkelman, DL Rothbaum, J Roy, S Lang, LL Whitcomb, G Hager, ...
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted …, 2001
Design of a hemispherical magnetic levitation haptic interface device
PJ Berkelman, ZJ Butler, RL Hollis
ASME international mechanical engineering congress and exposition 15281, 483-488, 1996
LER: The light endoscope robot
P Berkelman, E Boidard, P Cinquin, J Troccaz
Proceedings 2003 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and …, 2003
Development of miniaturized light endoscope-holder robot for laparoscopic surgery
JA Long, P Cinquin, J Troccaz, S Voros, P Berkelman, JL Descotes, ...
Journal of Endourology 21 (8), 911-914, 2007
Lorentz magnetic levitation for haptic interaction: Device design, performance, and integration with physical simulations
PJ Berkelman, RL Hollis
The International Journal of Robotics Research 19 (7), 644-667, 2000
System for positioning on a patient an observation and/or intervention device
P Berkelman, P Cinquin, A Jacquet, J Arnault
US Patent App. 10/514,353, 2006
Interacting with virtual environments using a magnetic levitation haptic interface
PJ Berkelman, RL Hollis, SE Salcudean
Proceedings 1995 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and …, 1995
Interaction with a real time dynamic environment simulation using a magnetic levitation haptic interface device
PJ Berkelman, RL Hollis, D Baraff
Proceedings 1999 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation …, 1999
Virtual peg-in-hole performance using a 6-dof magnetic levitation haptic device: Comparison with real forces and with visual guidance alone
BJ Unger, A Nicolaidis, PJ Berkelman, A Thompson, S Lederman, ...
Proceedings 10th Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and …, 2002
Comparison of 3-D haptic peg-in-hole tasks in real and virtual environments
BJ Unger, A Nicolaidis, PJ Berkelman, A Thompson, RL Klatzky, RL Hollis
Proceedings 2001 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and …, 2001
Design, control and testing of a novel compact laparoscopic endoscope manipulator
P Berkelman, P Cinquin, E Boidard, J Troccaz, C Letoublon, JM Ayoubi
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of …, 2003
Tool-based haptic interaction with dynamic physical simulations using Lorentz magnetic levitation
PJ Berkelman
Carnegie Mellon University, 1999
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Articles 1–20