Stephen Glackin
Stephen Glackin
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Planning support systems for smart cities
C Pettit, A Bakelmun, SN Lieske, S Glackin, G Thomson, H Shearer, H Dia, ...
City, culture and society 12, 13-24, 2018
Understanding infill: Towards new policy and practice for urban regeneration in the established suburbs of Australia's cities
P Newton, S Glackin
Urban policy and research 32 (2), 121-143, 2014
Greening the greyfields
P Newton, P Newman, S Glackin, R Trubka
International journal of social, behavioral, educational, economic, business …, 2012
A web-based 3D visualisation and assessment system for urban precinct scenario modelling
R Trubka, S Glackin, O Lade, C Pettit
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 117, 175-186, 2016
‘Deep engagement’and urban regeneration: Tea, trust, and the quest for co-design at precinct scale
S Glackin, MR Dionisio
Land Use Policy 52, 363-373, 2016
Accelerating a green recovery of cities: Lessons from a scoping review and a proposal for mission-oriented recovery towards post-pandemic urban resilience
M Moglia, N Frantzeskaki, P Newton, M Pineda-Pinto, J Witheridge, ...
Developments in the Built Environment 7, 100052, 2021
Becoming urban: Exploring the transformative capacity for a suburban-to-urban transition in Australia’s low-density cities
P Newton, D Meyer, S Glackin
Sustainability 9 (10), 1718, 2017
Processes for developing affordable and sustainable medium-density housing models for greyfield precincts
S Murray, N Bertram, LA Khor, D Rowe, B Meyer, C Murphy, P Newton, ...
Swinburne, 2015
Redeveloping the greyfields with ENVISION: using participatory support systems to reduce urban sprawl in Australia
S Glackin
Swinburne, 2013
Beyond small lot subdivision: towards municipality-initiated and resident-supported precinct scale medium density residential infill regeneration in greyfield suburbs.
P Newton, S Glackin, J Witheridge, L Garner
Urban policy and research 38 (4), 338-356, 2020
Using geo-spatial technologies as stakeholder engagement tools in urban planning and development
P Newton, S Glackin
Built Environment 39 (4), 473-501, 2013
A co-design prototyping approach for buiding a precinct planning tool
CJ Pettit, S Glackin, R Trubka, T Ngo, O Lade, P Newton, P Newman
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 2, 47-53, 2014
Modelling housing typologies for urban redevelopment scenario planning
R Trubka, S Glackin
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 57, 199-211, 2016
Contemporary urban culture: how community structures endure in an individualised society
S Glackin
Culture and Organization 21 (1), 23-41, 2015
Transport disadvantage and low-income rental housing
T Burke, J Stone, S Glackin, J Scheurer
AHURI Positioning Paper 157, 1-62, 2014
Engaging the greyfields: community engagement and co-design in residential redevelopment of public housing
S Glackin, P Newton
Instruments of Planning, 208-227, 2015
Design innovations delivered under the nation building economic stimulus plan-social housing initiative
S Murray, N Bertram, LA Khor, D Rowe, B Meyer, P Newton, S Glackin, ...
Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, 2013
Working from home as a catalyst for urban regeneration
S Glackin, M Moglia, P Newton
Sustainability 14 (19), 12584, 2022
Understanding the disruptive technology ecosystem in Australian urban and housing contexts: a roadmap
C Pettit, E Liu, E Rennie, J Goldenfein, S Glackin
AHURI Final Report, 2018
A software-aided workflow for precinct-scale residential redevelopment
S Glackin, R Trubka, MR Dionisio
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 60, 1-15, 2016
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Articles 1–20