David Tripe
David Tripe
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Cited by
Green credit policy and corporate access to bank loans in China: The role of environmental disclosure and green innovation
C Xing, Y Zhang, D Tripe
International Review of Financial Analysis 77, 101838, 2021
Gender diversity, state control, and corporate risk-taking: Evidence from China
KLH Khaw, J Liao, D Tripe, U Wongchoti
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 39, 141-158, 2016
Measuring bank risk: An exploration of z-score
X Li, DWL Tripe, CB Malone
Available at SSRN 2823946, 2017
Can interest rates really control house prices? Effectiveness and implications for macroprudential policy
S Shi, JB Jou, D Tripe
Journal of Banking & Finance 47, 15-28, 2014
Factors influencing the performance of foreign-owned banks in New Zealand
HM To, D Tripe
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 12 (4-5 …, 2002
New Zealand bank mergers and efficiency gains
B Liu, D Tripe
Journal of Asia-Pacific Business 4 (4), 61-81, 2003
Family firms, sustainable innovation and financing cost: Evidence from Chinese hi-tech small and medium-sized enterprises
D Xiang, J Chen, D Tripe, N Zhang
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 144, 499-511, 2019
Impact of gender and governance on microfinance efficiency
U Bibi, HO Balli, CD Matthews, DWL Tripe
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 53, 307-319, 2018
New approaches to measure the social performance of microfinance institutions (MFIs)
U Bibi, HO Balli, CD Matthews, DWL Tripe
International Review of Economics & Finance 53, 88-97, 2018
Measuring bank risk: Forward-looking z-score
B Hafeez, X Li, MH Kabir, D Tripe
International Review of Financial Analysis 80, 102039, 2022
Cost to income ratios in Australasian banking
D Tripe
Department of Finance, Banking and Property, College of Business, Massey …, 1998
Ranking with a Euclidean common set of weights in data envelopment analysis: with application to the Eurozone banking sector
H Hammami, T Ngo, D Tripe, DT Vo
Annals of Operations Research, 1-20, 2022
Bank Competition in New Zealand and Australia
D Chan, C Schumacher, D Tripe
Finsia_MCFS. The Melbourne Center for Financial Studies. Retrieved from …, 2007
Measuring systemic risk contribution: The leave-one-out z-score method
X Li, D Tripe, C Malone, D Smith
Finance research letters 36, 101316, 2020
Operational efficiency of bank loans and deposits: A case study of Vietnamese banking system
T Nguyen, D Tripe, T Ngo
International Journal of Financial Studies 6 (1), 14, 2018
An exploration of the relationship between bank capital levels and return on equity
K Navapan, D Tripe
Proceeding of the 16th Australasian Finance and Banking Conference 1, 181-203, 2003
IAS 39, income smoothing, and pro-cyclicality: evidence from Hong Kong banks
A Abdul Adzis, DWL Tripe, P Dunmore
Journal of Financial Economic Policy 8 (1), 80-94, 2016
New Zealand credit union mergers
L Mcalevey, A Sibbald, D Tripe
Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 81 (3), 423-444, 2010
Are profitable microfinance programs less efficient at reaching the poor? A case study in Cambodia
A Crawford, MT Skully, DWL Tripe
A case study in Cambodia (February 25, 2014), 2014
Redistribution of China’s green credit policy among environment-friendly manufacturing firms of various sizes: do banks value small and medium-sized enterprises?
Y Zhang, C Xing, D Tripe
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (1), 33, 2021
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Articles 1–20