Erin E. Dunning (maiden name: Curley)
Erin E. Dunning (maiden name: Curley)
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Patient-identified events implicated in the development of body dysmorphic disorder
H Weingarden, EE Curley, KD Renshaw, S Wilhelm
Body Image 21, 19-25, 2017
Trichotillomania and its clinical relationship to depression and anxiety
JE Grant, SA Redden, GC Medeiros, BL Odlaug, EE Curley, H Tavares, ...
International journal of psychiatry in clinical practice 21 (4), 302-306, 2017
The interactive association of proximal life stress and cumulative HPA axis functioning with depressive symptoms
BG Shapero, EE Curley, CL Black, LB Alloy
Depression and anxiety 36 (11), 1089-1101, 2019
Comorbidity in trichotillomania (hair‐pulling disorder): A cluster analytical approach
C Lochner, NJ Keuthen, EE Curley, ES Tung, SA Redden, EJ Ricketts, ...
Brain and behavior 9 (12), e01456, 2019
Emotion regulation and obsessive-compulsive phenomena in youth
NC Berman, AM Shaw, EE Curley, S Wilhelm
Journal of obsessive-compulsive and related disorders 19, 44-49, 2018
Predictors of comorbid obsessive-compulsive disorder and skin-picking disorder in trichotillomania.
NJ Keuthen, EE Curley, JM Scharf, DW Woods, C Lochner, DJ Stein, ...
Annals of clinical psychiatry: official journal of the American Academy of …, 2016
Does Comorbidity Matter in Body Focused Repetitive Behavior Disorders?
JE Grant, EW Leppink, S Chamberlain, SA Redden, E Curley, BL Odlaug, ...
Annals of clinical psychiatry: official journal of the American Academy of …, 2016
Prevalence and predictors of hair pulling disorder and excoriation disorder in Tourette syndrome
E Greenberg, ES Tung, C Gauvin, L Osiecki, KG Yang, E Curley, A Essa, ...
European child & adolescent psychiatry 27, 569-579, 2018
Predictors of comorbid eating disorders and association with other obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders in trichotillomania
E Greenberg, JE Grant, EE Curley, C Lochner, DW Woods, ES Tung, ...
Comprehensive psychiatry 78, 1-8, 2017
Trait anger, anger expression, and anger control in trichotillomania: Evidence for the emotion regulation model
EE Curley, ES Tung, NJ Keuthen
Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders 9, 77-81, 2016
Reward sensitivity, cognitive response style, and inflammatory response to an acute stressor in adolescents
DP Moriarity, T Ng, EE Curley, B Anne McArthur, LM Ellman, CL Coe, ...
Journal of youth and adolescence 49, 2149-2159, 2020
NEO-FFI personality clusters in trichotillomania
NJ Keuthen, ES Tung, MG Tung, EE Curley, CA Flessner
Psychiatry Research 239, 196-203, 2016
The interplay between reward-relevant life events and trait reward sensitivity in neural responses to reward cues
IKY Chat, EE Dunning, CP Bart, AL Carroll, MM Grehl, KSF Damme, ...
Clinical Psychological Science 10 (5), 869-884, 2022
Intergenerational transmission of rumination via parenting behaviors and family characteristics: the impact on adolescent internalizing symptoms
EE Dunning, S Birk, TM Olino, LB Alloy
Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 1-12, 2022
A comparison of clinical vs subclinical skin pickers in Israel.
NJ Keuthen, EE Curley, ES Tung, K Ittah, A Qasem, S Murad, BL Odlaug, ...
Annals of clinical psychiatry: official journal of the American Academy of …, 2016
Linking maternal depression to adolescent internalizing symptoms: Transmission of cognitive vulnerabilities
EE Dunning, BA McArthur, LY Abramson, LB Alloy
Journal of youth and adolescence 50 (2), 324-335, 2021
The Pediatric Accommodation Scale: Psychometric Evaluation of a Therapist-Report Format
KE Phillips, SAP Buinewicz, E Kagan, HE Frank, E Dunning, KG Benito, ...
Child Psychiatry & Human Development 55 (3), 667-679, 2024
Affective Disorders
LB Alloy, IKY Chat, MM Grehl, MM Kautz, EE Dunning, ZV Adogli, L Smith, ...
Elsevier, 2022
Relationship between Change in Caregiver Knowledge and Attitudes about Treatment and Youth Anxiety Outcomes
ME Crane, JM Gamarra, S Choy, EE Dunning, BF Chorpita, PC Kendall
OSF, 2020
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Articles 1–19