Thomas G Hinton
Thomas G Hinton
Institute of Environmental Radioactivity, Fukushima University
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Are radiosensitivity data derived from natural field conditions consistent with data from controlled exposures? A case study of Chernobyl wildlife chronically exposed to low …
J Garnier-Laplace, S Geras’kin, C Della-Vedova, K Beaugelin-Seiller, ...
Journal of environmental radioactivity 121, 12-21, 2013
Long-term census data reveal abundant wildlife populations at Chernobyl
TG Deryabina, SV Kuchmel, LL Nagorskaya, TG Hinton, JC Beasley, ...
Current Biology 25 (19), R824-R826, 2015
Resource allocation‐based life histories: A conceptual basis for studies of ecological toxicology
JD Congdon, AE Dunham, WA Hopkins, CL Rowe, TG Hinton
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 20 (8), 1698-1703, 2001
Fukushima wildlife dose reconstruction signals ecological consequences
J Garnier-Laplace, K Beaugelin-Seiller, TG Hinton
Environmental science & technology 45 (12), 5077-5078, 2011
Evaluation of radiation doses and associated risk from the Fukushima nuclear accident to marine biota and human consumers of seafood
NS Fisher, K Beaugelin-Seiller, TG Hinton, Z Baumann, DJ Madigan, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (26), 10670-10675, 2013
Avoiding destructive remediation at DOE sites
FW Whicker, TG Hinton, MM MacDonell, JE Pinder III, LJ Habegger
Science 303 (5664), 1615-1616, 2004
Radiation-induced effects on plants and animals: Findings of the United Nations Chernobyl Forum
TG Hinton, R Alexakhin, M Balonov, N Gentner, J Hendry, B Prister, ...
Health physics 93 (5), 427-440, 2007
Effects of radioactive contamination on Scots pines in the remote period after the Chernobyl accident
S Geras’ kin, A Oudalova, N Dikareva, S Spiridonov, T Hinton, ...
Ecotoxicology 20, 1195-1208, 2011
Apatite and phillipsite as sequestering agents for metals and radionuclides
AS Knox, DI Kaplan, DC Adriano, TG Hinton, MD Wilson
Journal of Environmental Quality 32 (2), 515-525, 2003
Mobility of radionuclides in undisturbed and cultivated soils in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia six years after the Chernobyl fallout
S Askbrant, J Melin, J Sandalls, G Rauret, R Vallejo, T Hinton, A Cremers, ...
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 31 (3), 287-312, 1996
An invitation to contribute to a strategic research agenda in radioecology
TG Hinton, J Garnier-Laplace, H Vandenhove, M Dowdall, ...
Journal of environmental radioactivity 115, 73-82, 2013
Radiographic determination of fecundity: is the technique safe for developing turtle embryos?
TG Hinton, PD Fledderman, JE Lovich, JD Congdon, JW Gibbons
Chelonian Conservation and Biology 2 (3), 409-414, 1997
An invitation to contribute to a strategic research agenda in radioecology
TG Hinton, J Garnier-Laplace, H Vandenhove, M Dowdall, ...
Journal of environmental radioactivity 115, 73-82, 2013
Where the wild things are: influence of radiation on the distribution of four mammalian species within the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone
SC Webster, ME Byrne, SL Lance, CN Love, TG Hinton, D Shamovich, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 14 (4), 185-190, 2016
A comparison of sequential extraction techniques to estimate geochemical controls on the mobility of fission product, actinide, and heavy metal contaminants in soils
SB Clark, WH Johnson, MA Malek, SM Serkiz, TG Hinton
Radiochimica Acta 74 (s1), 173-180, 1996
Uptake of natural and anthropogenic actinides in vegetable crops grown on a contaminated lake bed
FW Whicker, TG Hinton, KA Orlandini, SB Clark
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 45 (1), 1-12, 1999
Rewilding of Fukushima's human evacuation zone
PC Lyons, K Okuda, MT Hamilton, TG Hinton, JC Beasley
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 18 (3), 127-134, 2020
A comparison of 90Sr and 137Cs uptake in plants via three pathways at two Chernobyl-contaminated sites
MA Malek, TG Hinton, SB Webb
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 58 (2-3), 129-141, 2002
Genotoxic and reprotoxic effects of tritium and external gamma irradiation on aquatic animals
C Adam-Guillermin, S Pereira, C Della-Vedova, T Hinton, ...
Reviews of environmental contamination and toxicology, 67-103, 2012
Dose assessment in environmental radiological protection: State of the art and perspectives
K Stark, JM Goméz-Ros, JV i Batlle, EL Hansen, K Beaugelin-Seiller, ...
Journal of environmental radioactivity 175, 105-114, 2017
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Articles 1–20