Jayde Cahir
Jayde Cahir
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Achieving sustainability in learning and teaching initiatives
A Brew, J Cahir
International Journal for Academic Development 19 (4), 341-352, 2014
University academics’ experiences of learning through mentoring
T Ambler, M Harvey, J Cahir
The Australian Educational Researcher 43 (5), 609-627, 2016
‘People just don’t care’: Practices of text messaging in the presence of others
J Cahir, J Lloyd
Media, Culture & Society 37 (5), 703-719, 2015
Spectrum Approach to Mentoring: an evidence-based approach to mentoring for academics working in higher education
M Harvey, T Ambler, J Cahir
Teacher Development 21 (1), 160-174, 2017
“What Feelings Didn’t I Experience!”: Affect and Identity in PhD Writing
A Bosanquet, J Cahir
Research literacies and writing pedagogies for masters and doctoral writers …, 2016
Walking out the door: casualisation and implementing Moodle
J Cahir, M McNeill, A Bosanquet, C Jacenyik-Trawöger
International Journal of Educational Management 28 (1), 5-14, 2014
An intimate circle: Reflections on writing as women in higher education
A Bosanquet, J Cahir, E Huber, C Jacenyik-Trawöger, M McNeill
Abingdon, Oxon; New York: Routledge, 2014
From speed dating to intimacy: methodological change in the evaluation of a writing group
A Bosanquet, J Cahir, C Jacenyik-Trawoger, M McNeill
Higher Education Research & Development 33 (4), 635-648, 2014
Escaping the everyday: Young people's use of text messages and songs
J Cahir, A Werner
Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies, 2013
Reflection, Speed Dating, and Word Clouds Evaluating a writing group for early-career researchers
A Bosanquet, M McNeill, E Huber, J Cahir, C Jacenyik-Trawoger
Compendium2 5, 2012
Balancing trust and anxiety in a culture of fear: text messaging and riots
J Cahir
Sage open 3 (2), 2158244013484733, 2013
It's a security thing: mobile phones and moral regulation
J Cahir, G Noble
Outrageous! Moral Panics in Australia, 2007
Spectrum approach to mentoring. A guide for mentors and mentees
J Cahir, M Harvey, T Ambler
North Ryde: Macquarie University, 2010
Study-MATE: using text messaging to support student transition to university study
J Cahir, E Huber, B Handal, J Dutch, M Nixon
Youth Studies Australia 31 (1), 34, 2012
Breathing Room
A Bosanquet, J Cahir, G Crimmins, J Free, K Luzia, L Mantai, A Werner
(Re) birthing the Feminine in Academe, 3-19, 2020
Traces of Trust: A study of text messaging in everyday life
J Cahir
Text messaging: a private form of communication?
J Cahir
Mobile Media 2007: Proceedings of an International Conference on Social and …, 2007
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Articles 1–17