Frederi Viens
Frederi Viens
Professor, Rice University
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Cited by
Stochastic evolution equations with fractional Brownian motion
S Tindel, CA Tudor, F Viens
Probability Theory and Related Fields 127, 186-204, 2003
Statistical aspects of the fractional stochastic calculus
CA Tudor, FG Viens
Bayesian approach to model-based extrapolation of nuclear observables
L Neufcourt, Y Cao, W Nazarewicz, F Viens
Physical Review C 98 (3), 034318, 2018
Robust optimal control for an insurer with reinsurance and investment under Heston’s stochastic volatility model
B Yi, Z Li, FG Viens, Y Zeng
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 53 (3), 601-614, 2013
Neutron drip line in the Ca region from Bayesian model averaging
L Neufcourt, Y Cao, W Nazarewicz, E Olsen, F Viens
Physical review letters 122 (6), 062502, 2019
Density formula and concentration inequalities with Malliavin calculus
I Nourdin, F Viens
Estimation and pricing under long-memory stochastic volatility
A Chronopoulou, FG Viens
Annals of finance 8 (2), 379-403, 2012
Variations and estimators for self-similarity parameters via Malliavin calculus
CA Tudor, FG Viens
Get on the BAND wagon: a Bayesian framework for quantifying model uncertainties in nuclear dynamics
DR Phillips, RJ Furnstahl, U Heinz, T Maiti, W Nazarewicz, FM Nunes, ...
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 48 (7), 072001, 2021
R&D spending, knowledge capital, and agricultural productivity growth: A Bayesian approach
ULC Baldos, FG Viens, TW Hertel, KO Fuglie
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 101 (1), 291-310, 2019
Robust optimal strategies for an insurer with reinsurance and investment under benchmark and mean-variance criteria
B Yi, F Viens, Z Li, Y Zeng
Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 2015 (8), 725-751, 2015
Stochastic volatility: option pricing using a multinomial recombining tree
I Florescu, FG Viens
Applied Mathematical Finance 15 (2), 151-181, 2008
Stochastic volatility and option pricing with long-memory in discrete and continuous time
A Chronopoulou, FG Viens
Quantitative Finance 12 (4), 635-649, 2012
A martingale approach for fractional Brownian motions and related path dependent PDEs
F Viens, J Zhang
The Annals of Applied Probability 29 (6), 3489-3540, 2019
Skorohod integration and stochastic calculus beyond the fractional Brownian scale
O Mocioalca, F Viens
Journal of Functional analysis 222 (2), 385-434, 2005
Variations and Hurst index estimation for a Rosenblatt process using longer filters
A Chronopoulou, FG Viens, CA Tudor
Reconstructing past temperatures from natural proxies and estimated climate forcings using short-and long-memory models
L Barboza, B Li, MP Tingley, FG Viens
Optimal robust reinsurance-investment strategies for insurers with mean reversion and mispricing
A Gu, FG Viens, H Yao
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 80, 93-109, 2018
Optimal rates for parameter estimation of stationary Gaussian processes
K Es-Sebaiy, FG Viens
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 129 (9), 3018-3054, 2019
Self-similarity parameter estimation and reproduction property for non-Gaussian Hermite processes
A Chronopoulou, F Viens, C Tudor
arXiv preprint arXiv:0807.1208, 2008
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Articles 1–20