Articles with public access mandates - Ursula S. McKnightLearn more
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Tracer concentration mapping in a stream with hyperspectral images from unoccupied aerial systems
CJ Köppl, US McKnight, GG Lemaire, AM Nørregaard, TC Thiim, PL Bjerg, ...
Advances in Water Resources 182, 104567, 2023
Mandates: Innovation Fund Denmark
Coupling pathway prediction and fluorescence spectroscopy to assess the impact of auxiliary substrates on micropollutant biodegradation
AR Schittich, K Fenner, CA Stedmon, J Xu, US McKnight, BF Smets
Environmental Microbiology 26 (2), e16560, 2024
Mandates: Danish Council for Independent Research
Imaging Tracer Mixing Concentration 2D in a Stream with Hyperspectral Sensing from an Unmanned Aerial System
CJ Köppl, GG Lemaire, US McKnight, AM Nørregaard, TC Thiim, PL Bjerg, ...
Mandates: Innovation Fund Denmark
Available somewhere: 35
Sources, occurrence and predicted aquatic impact of legacy and contemporary pesticides in streams
US McKnight, JJ Rasmussen, B Kronvang, PJ Binning, PL Bjerg
Environmental Pollution 200, 64-76, 2015
Mandates: Danish Council for Strategic Research
A catchment scale evaluation of multiple stressor effects in headwater streams
JJ Rasmussen, US McKnight, MC Loinaz, NI Thomsen, ME Olsson, ...
Science of the Total Environment 442, 420-431, 2013
Mandates: Danish Council for Independent Research
Investigating fluorescent organic-matter composition as a key predictor for arsenic mobility in groundwater aquifers
AR Schittich, UJ Wünsch, HV Kulkarni, M Battistel, H Bregnhøj, ...
Environmental science & technology 52 (22), 13027-13036, 2018
Mandates: Danish Council for Independent Research
Integrated assessment of the impact of chemical stressors on surface water ecosystems
US McKnight, JJ Rasmussen, B Kronvang, PL Bjerg, PJ Binning
Science of the total Environment 427, 319-331, 2012
Mandates: Danish Council for Independent Research
Knowledge gaps and future research needs for assessing the non-market benefits of Nature-Based Solutions and Nature-Based Solution-like strategies
M Viti, R Löwe, HJD Sørup, M Rasmussen, K Arnbjerg-Nielsen, ...
Science of the Total Environment 841, 156636, 2022
Mandates: European Commission
Contaminant mass discharge to streams: Comparing direct groundwater velocity measurements and multi-level groundwater sampling with an in-stream approach
V Rønde, US McKnight, AT Sonne, N Balbarini, JF Devlin, PL Bjerg
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 206, 43-54, 2017
Mandates: Innovation Fund Denmark
Assessing the chemical contamination dynamics in a mixed land use stream system
AT Sonne, US McKnight, V Rønde, PL Bjerg
Water Research 125, 141-151, 2017
Mandates: Innovation Fund Denmark
Application of new point measurement device to quantify groundwater-surface water interactions
MM Cremeans, JF Devlin, US McKnight, PL Bjerg
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 211, 85-93, 2018
Mandates: Innovation Fund Denmark
Natural attenuation of a chlorinated ethene plume discharging to a stream: Integrated assessment of hydrogeological, chemical and microbial interactions
CB Ottosen, V Rønde, US McKnight, MD Annable, MM Broholm, JF Devlin, ...
Water research 186, 116332, 2020
Mandates: Innovation Fund Denmark
Linking ecological health to co-occurring organic and inorganic chemical stressors in a groundwater-fed stream system
AT Sonne, JJ Rasmussen, S Höss, W Traunspurger, PL Bjerg, ...
Science of the Total Environment 642, 1153-1162, 2018
Mandates: Innovation Fund Denmark
A Bayesian belief network approach for assessing uncertainty in conceptual site models at contaminated sites
NI Thomsen, PJ Binning, US McKnight, N Tuxen, PL Bjerg, M Troldborg
Journal of contaminant hydrology 188, 12-28, 2016
Mandates: Danish Council for Technology and Innovation
The industrial dynamics of water innovation: A comparison between China and Europe
MA Moro, US McKnight, BF Smets, Y Min, MM Andersen
International Journal of Innovation Studies 2 (1), 14-32, 2018
Mandates: Danish Council for Independent Research, European Commission
Next generation application of DPSIR for sustainable policy implementation
SA Carnohan, X Trier, S Liu, LPW Clausen, JK Clifford-Holmes, ...
Current Research in Environmental Sustainability 5, 100201, 2023
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Danish Council for Independent …
Climate change adaptation in rural South Africa: Using stakeholder narratives to build system dynamics models in data-scarce environments
SA Carnohan, JK Clifford-Holmes, H Retief, US McKnight, S Pollard
Journal of Simulation 15 (1-2), 5-22, 2021
Mandates: US Agency for International Development
Hyperspectral reflectance measurements from UAS under intermittent clouds: Correcting irradiance measurements for sensor tilt
CJ Köppl, R Malureanu, C Dam-Hansen, S Wang, H Jin, S Barchiesi, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 267, 112719, 2021
Mandates: Innovation Fund Denmark
A comparison of tools and methods for estimating groundwater‐surface water exchange
MM Cremeans, JF Devlin, TC Osorno, US McKnight, PL Bjerg
Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation 40 (1), 24-34, 2020
Mandates: Innovation Fund Denmark
Holistic valuation of Nature-Based Solutions accounting for human perceptions and nature benefits
M Viti, R Löwe, HJD Sørup, J Ladenburg, O Gebhardt, S Iversen, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 334, 117498, 2023
Mandates: European Commission
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