Trawling in the sea of the great unread: Sub-corpus topic modeling and humanities research TR Tangherlini, P Leonard Poetics 41 (6), 725-749, 2013 | 137 | 2013 |
Mining large datasets for the humanities P Leonard | 18 | 2014 |
Det Etniske Gennembrud - Multicultural Literature in Denmark P Leonard Multiethnica 31, 32-34, 2008 | 13 | 2008 |
Imagining Themselves: Voice, Text and Reception in Anyuru, Khemiri and Wenger P Leonard University of Washington, Seattle, 2005 | 9 | 2005 |
Digital Humanities on Reserve: From Reading Room to Laboratory at Yale University Library C DeRose, P Leonard Digital Humanities Quarterly 14 (3), 2020 | 8 | 2020 |
Knowledge creation through recommender systems T Arnold, P Leonard, L Tilton Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 32 (suppl_2), ii151-ii157, 2017 | 7 | 2017 |
Multilingual aspects in the literary writing of translingual authors in Sweden P Leonard Literature, language, and multiculturalism in Scandinavia and the Low Countries, 2011 | 6 | 2011 |
Imagining Themselves: National Belongings in Post-Ethnic Nordic Literature PS Leonard University of Washington, 2011 | 1 | 2011 |
Swedish Identity and the Literary Imaginary P Leonard Migration and Multiculturalism in Scandinavia, 191, 2022 | | 2022 |
Text mining och digitala författarskap. Förädlade arkiv och semantisk uppmärkning i de stora råtextsamlingarnas tid P Leonard Textkritik som analysmetod 12, 13-25, 2017 | | 2017 |
Hvad der byggedes om dagen, blev revet ned om natten… PM Broadwell, P Leonard, TR Tangherlini Svenska landsmål och svenskt folkliv, 9-26, 2017 | | 2017 |
Photogrammar: Re-Visioning the Archive L Wexler, T Kirkpatrick, P Leonard | | 2015 |
Digital Scholarship and the Archive: Micro-and Macroscopes P Leonard | | 2013 |
Svensk litteratur som världslitteratur. En antologi. Red. Johan Svedjedal (Skrifter utgivna av Avdelningen för litteratursociologi vid Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen i … P Leonard Samlaren: Tidskrift för forskning om svensk och annan nordisk litteratur 134 …, 2013 | | 2013 |
Den föreställda mångkulturen: Klass och etnicitet i svensk samtidsprosa P Leonard Scandinavian Studies 83 (2), 281-284, 2011 | | 2011 |
Identity and its Discontents: Corporeal Indexicality in Claus Beck-Nielsen and Jonas Khemiri P Leonard | | 2007 |
Heterosexuality v. Homosociality: Bodies in Motion in Wenger’s “Borta i tankar” P Leonard Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study, 2006 | | 2006 |
Sweden’s Swedishest Words: Verbal Hygiene on the Periphery of the Nation P Leonard | | 2006 |
Begivenhet och realism i Wenger och Önder P Leonard | | |