Prince Francois
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Cited by
Stiffness control of balance in quiet standing
DA Winter, AE Patla, F Prince, M Ishac, K Gielo-Perczak
Journal of neurophysiology 80 (3), 1211-1221, 1998
Unified theory regarding A/P and M/L balance in quiet stance
DA Winter, F Prince, JS Frank, C Powell, KF Zabjek
Journal of neurophysiology 75 (6), 2334-2343, 1996
Symmetry and limb dominance in able-bodied gait: a review
H Sadeghi, P Allard, F Prince, H Labelle
Gait & posture 12 (1), 34-45, 2000
Gait in the elderly
F Prince, H Corriveau, R Hébert, DA Winter
Gait & posture 5 (2), 128-135, 1997
Intrasession reliability of center of pressure measures of postural steadiness in healthy elderly people
D Lafond, H Corriveau, R Hébert, F Prince
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 85 (6), 896-901, 2004
The initiation of gait in young, elderly, and Parkinson's disease subjects
SE Halliday, DA Winter, JS Frank, AE Patla, F Prince
Gait & posture 8 (1), 8-14, 1998
Comparison of three methods to estimate the center of mass during balance assessment
D Lafond, M Duarte, F Prince
Journal of biomechanics 37 (9), 1421-1426, 2004
Screening older adults at risk of falling with the Tinetti balance scale
M Raîche, R Hébert, F Prince, H Corriveau
The Lancet 356 (9234), 1001-1002, 2000
Postural control mechanisms during quiet standing in patients with diabetic sensory neuropathy
D Lafond, H Corriveau, F Prince
Diabetes care 27 (1), 173-178, 2004
Evaluation of postural stability in the elderly with stroke
H Corriveau, R Hébert, M Raı̂che, F Prince
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 85 (7), 1095-1101, 2004
Medial-lateral and anterior-posterior motor responses associated with centre of pressure changes in quiet standing
Neurosci Res Commun 12, 141-148, 1993
Evaluation of postural stability in elderly with diabetic neuropathy.
H Corriveau, F Prince, R Hebert, M Raiche, D Tessier, P Maheux, ...
Diabetes care 23 (8), 1187-1191, 2000
Persistent motor system abnormalities in formerly concussed athletes
L De Beaumont, D Mongeon, S Tremblay, J Messier, F Prince, S Leclerc, ...
Journal of athletic training 46 (3), 234-240, 2011
Intrasession reliability of the “center of pressure minus center of mass” variable of postural control in the healthy elderly
H Corriveau, R Hébert, F Prince, M Raîche
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 81 (1), 45-48, 2000
Effect of ageing and vision on limb load asymmetry during quiet stance
JW Blaszczyk, F Prince, M Raiche, R Hébert
Journal of Biomechanics 33 (10), 1243-1248, 2000
Postural control in the elderly: an analysis of test-retest and interrater reliability of the COP-COM variable
H Corriveau, R Hébert, F Prince, M Raîche
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 82 (1), 80-85, 2001
Anticipatory control of upper body balance during human locomotion
F Prince, DA Winter, P Stergiou, SE Walt
Gait & Posture 2 (1), 19-25, 1994
The John Charnley Award: The Functional Outcome of Hip Resurfacing and Large-head THA Is the Same: A Randomized, Double-blind Study
M Lavigne, M Therrien, J Nantel, A Roy, F Prince, PA Vendittoli
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research® 468, 326-336, 2010
Biomechanical parameters for gait analysis: a systematic review of healthy human gait
M Roberts, D Mongeon, F Prince
Phys. Ther. Rehabil 4 (6), 10-7243, 2017
Locomotor strategies in obese and non‐obese children
J Nantel, M Brochu, F Prince
Obesity 14 (10), 1789-1794, 2006
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Articles 1–20