Tomas Cedhagen
Tomas Cedhagen
Associated Professor, Fil. Dr. (Docent)
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Cited by
Forecasting the effects of global warming on biodiversity
DB Botkin, H Saxe, MB Araújo, R Betts, RHW Bradshaw, T Cedhagen, ...
Bioscience 57 (3), 227-236, 2007
First insights into the biodiversity and biogeography of the Southern Ocean deep sea
A Brandt, AJ Gooday, SN Brandao, S Brix, W Brökeland, T Cedhagen, ...
Nature 447 (7142), 307-311, 2007
Evidence for complete denitrification in a benthic foraminifer
N Risgaard-Petersen, AM Langezaal, S Ingvardsen, MC Schmid, ...
Nature 443 (7107), 93-96, 2006
The evolution of early Foraminifera
J Pawlowski, M Holzmann, C Berney, J Fahrni, AJ Gooday, T Cedhagen, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (20), 11494-11498, 2003
Widespread occurrence of nitrate storage and denitrification among Foraminifera and Gromiida
E Piña-Ochoa, S Høgslund, E Geslin, T Cedhagen, NP Revsbech, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (3), 1148-1153, 2010
Environmental monitoring through protist next‐generation sequencing metabarcoding: Assessing the impact of fish farming on benthic foraminifera communities
J Pawlowski, P Esling, F Lejzerowicz, T Cedhagen, TA Wilding
Molecular ecology resources 14 (6), 1129-1140, 2014
Predicting the ecological quality status of marine environments from eDNA metabarcoding data using supervised machine learning
T Cordier, P Esling, F Lejzerowicz, J Visco, A Ouadahi, C Martins, ...
Environmental science & technology 51 (16), 9118-9126, 2017
Bipolar gene flow in deep‐sea benthic foraminifera
J Pawlowski, J Fahrni, B Lecroq, D Longet, N Cornelius, L Excoffier, ...
Molecular ecology 16 (19), 4089-4096, 2007
Worldwide analysis of sedimentary DNA reveals major gaps in taxonomic knowledge of deep-sea benthos
F Sinniger, J Pawlowski, S Harii, AJ Gooday, H Yamamoto, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 3, 92, 2016
Denitrification, nitrate turnover, and aerobic respiration by benthic foraminiferans in the oxygen minimum zone off Chile
S Høgslund, NP Revsbech, T Cedhagen, LP Nielsen, VA Gallardo
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 359 (2), 85-91, 2008
Retention of chloroplasts and bathymetric distribution in the sublittoral foraminiferan Nonionellina labradorica
T Cedhagen
Ophelia 33 (1), 17-30, 1991
The fauna of hydrothermal vents on the Mohn Ridge (North Atlantic)
C Schander, HT Rapp, JA Kongsrud, T Bakken, J Berge, S Cochrane, ...
Marine Biology Research 6 (2), 155-171, 2010
Phylogeny of allogromiid Foraminifera inferred from SSU rRNA gene sequences
J Pawlowski, M Holzmann, C Berney, J Fahrni, T Cedhagen, SS Bowser
The Journal of Foraminiferal Research 32 (4), 334-343, 2002
The Southern Ocean deep sea: first insights into biodiversity and biogeography
A Brandt, S Brix, W Brökeland, T Cedhagen, M Choudhury, N Cornelius, ...
Nature 447, 307-311, 2007
Taxonomy and biology of Hyrrokkin sarcophaga gen. et sp. n., a parasitic foraminiferan (Rosalinidae)
T Cedhagen
Sarsia 79 (1), 65-82, 1994
Monothalamous foraminiferans and gromiids (Protista) from western Svalbard: a preliminary survey
AJ Gooday, SS Bowser, T Cedhagen, N Cornelius, M Hald, S Korsun, ...
Marine Biology Research 1 (4), 290-312, 2005
World register of marine species
GA Boxshall, J Mees, MJ Costello, F Hernandez, S Gofas, BW Hoeksema, ...
Available at h ttp://www. marinespecies. org, 2014
Aspects of the behaviour and ecology of Dyopedos monacanthus (Metzger) and D. porrectus Bate, with comparative notes on Dulichia tuberculata Boeck (Crustacea: Amphipoda …
S Mattson, T Cedhagen
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 127 (3), 253-272, 1989
Benthic monitoring of salmon farms in Norway using foraminiferal metabarcoding
J Pawlowski, P Esling, F Lejzerowicz, T Cordier, JA Visco, CIM Martins, ...
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 8, 371-386, 2016
Genetic differentiation between Arctic and Antarctic monothalamous foraminiferans
J Pawlowski, W Majewski, D Longet, J Guiard, T Cedhagen, AJ Gooday, ...
Polar Biology 31, 1205-1216, 2008
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Articles 1–20