Ján Mojžiš
Ján Mojžiš
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Antiangiogenic effects of flavonoids and chalcones
J Mojzis, L Varinska, G Mojzisova, I Kostova, L Mirossay
Pharmacological research 57 (4), 259-265, 2008
Soy and breast cancer: focus on angiogenesis
L Varinska, P Gal, G Mojzisova, L Mirossay, J Mojzis
International journal of molecular sciences 16 (5), 11728-11749, 2015
Preventive effects of flavonoids on alloxan-induced diabetes mellitus in rats
A Lukačínová, J Mojžiš, R Beňačka, J Keller, T Maguth, P Kurila, L Vaško, ...
Acta Veterinaria Brno 77 (2), 175-182, 2008
Effects of static magnetic field on human leukemic cell line HL-60
J Sabo, L Mirossay, L Horovcak, M Sarissky, A Mirossay, J Mojzis
Bioelectrochemistry 56 (1-2), 227-231, 2002
Are plant-based functional foods better choice against cancer than single phytochemicals? A critical review of current breast cancer research
A Kapinova, P Stefanicka, P Kubatka, P Zubor, S Uramova, M Kello, ...
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 96, 1465-1477, 2017
Antiangiogenic effect of flavonoids and chalcones: An update
L Mirossay, L Varinská, J Mojžiš
International journal of molecular sciences 19 (1), 27, 2017
Flavonoids against the Warburg phenotype—concepts of predictive, preventive and personalised medicine to cut the Gordian knot of cancer cell metabolism
M Samec, A Liskova, L Koklesova, SM Samuel, K Zhai, C Buhrmann, ...
Epma Journal 11, 377-398, 2020
Anticancer Activities of Thymus vulgaris L. in Experimental Breast Carcinoma In Vivo and In Vitro
P Kubatka, S Uramova, M Kello, K Kajo, M Samec, K Jasek, D Vybohova, ...
International journal of molecular sciences 20 (7), 1749, 2019
Oxidative stress, inflammation and colorectal cancer: an overview
A Bardelčíková, J Šoltys, J Mojžiš
Antioxidants 12 (4), 901, 2023
Hsp90 inhibitor as a sensitizer of cancer cells to different therapies
Z Solárová, J MOJžiš, P SOLáR
International journal of oncology 46 (3), 907-926, 2015
MDR1 (C3435T) polymorphism: relation to the risk of breast cancer and therapeutic outcome
M Cizmarikova, M Wagnerova, L Schonova, V Habalova, A Kohut, ...
The pharmacogenomics journal 10 (1), 62-69, 2010
Antineoplastic effects of clove buds (Syzygium aromaticum L.) in the model of breast carcinoma
P Kubatka, S Uramova, M Kello, K Kajo, P Kruzliak, J Mojzis, D Vybohova, ...
Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 21 (11), 2837-2851, 2017
In vitro antiproliferative and antiangiogenic effects of synthetic chalcone analogues
M Pilatova, L Varinska, P Perjesi, M Sarissky, L Mirossay, P Solar, A Ostro, ...
Toxicology in Vitro 24 (5), 1347-1355, 2010
Antiproliferative and cancer chemopreventive activity of phytoalexins: focus on indole phytoalexins from crucifers.
R Mezencev, J Mojzis, M Pilatova, P Kutschy
Neoplasma 50 (4), 239-245, 2003
Protective effect of quercetin on ischemia/reperfusion-induced gastric mucosal injury in rats
J Mojžiš, K Hviščová, D Germanova, D Bukovičová, L Mirossay
Physiol. Res 50, 501-506, 2001
Cruciferous phytoalexins: antiproliferative effects in T-Jurkat leukemic cells
M Pilátová, M Šarišský, P Kutschy, A Miroššay, R Mezencev, Z Čurillová, ...
Leukemia research 29 (4), 415-421, 2005
Antiproliferative effect of indole phytoalexins
M Chripkova, F Zigo, J Mojzis
Molecules 21 (12), 1626, 2016
Chemopreventive and Therapeutic Efficacy of Cinnamomum zeylanicum L. Bark in Experimental Breast Carcinoma: Mechanistic In Vivo and In Vitro Analyses
P Kubatka, M Kello, K Kajo, M Samec, K Jasek, D Vybohova, S Uramova, ...
Molecules 25 (6), 1399, 2020
Oregano demonstrates distinct tumour-suppressive effects in the breast carcinoma model
P Kubatka, M Kello, K Kajo, P Kruzliak, D Výbohová, J Mojžiš, M Adamkov, ...
European journal of nutrition 56, 1303-1316, 2017
Spirocyclization strategy toward indole phytoalexins. The first synthesis of (±)-1-methoxyspirobrassinin,(±)-1-methoxyspirobrassinol, and (±)-1-methoxyspirobrassinol methyl ether
P Kutschy, M Suchý, K Monde, N Harada, R Marušková, Z Čurillová, ...
Tetrahedron Letters 43 (52), 9489-9492, 2002
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Articles 1–20