Prashanth Baskaran
Prashanth Baskaran
Instituto de Telecomunicações, Instituto Superior Técnico
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Lift-off point of intersection feature in transient eddy-current oscillations method to detect thickness variation in stainless steel
CS Angani, HG Ramos, AL Ribeiro, TJ Rocha, P Baskaran
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 52 (6), 1-8, 2016
Detection and classification of defects using ECT and multi-level SVM model
DJ Pasadas, P Baskaran, HG Ramos, AL Ribeiro
IEEE Sensors Journal 20 (5), 2329-2338, 2019
Defect classification with SVM and wideband excitation in multilayer aluminum plates
DJ Pasadas, HG Ramos, B Feng, P Baskaran, AL Ribeiro
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 69 (1), 241-248, 2019
Transient eddy current oscillations method for the inspection of thickness change in stainless steel
CS Angani, HG Ramos, AL Ribeiro, TJ Rocha, B Prashanth
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 233, 217-223, 2015
ECT in composite materials using double excitation coils and resonant excitation/sensing circuits
DJ Pasadas, HG Ramos, P Baskaran, AL Ribeiro
Measurement 161, 107859, 2020
Integration of multiple response signals into the probability of detection modelling in eddy current NDE of flaws
P Baskaran, DJ Pasadas, HG Ramos, AL Ribeiro
Ndt & E International 118, 102401, 2021
Probability of detection modelling in eddy current NDE of flaws integrating multiple correlated variables
P Baskaran, DJ Pasadas, AL Ribeiro, HG Ramos
NDT & E International 123, 102499, 2021
Eddy current testing of cracks using multi-frequency and noise excitation
DJ Pasadas, AL Ribeiro, HG Ramos, B Feng, P Baskaran
2018 IEEE international instrumentation and measurement technology …, 2018
Classification of Corrosion Severity in SPCC Steels Using Eddy Current Testing and Supervised Machine Learning Models
L Xie, P Baskaran, AL Ribeiro, FC Alegria, HG Ramos
Sensors 24 (7), 2259, 2024
A boundary element model of perturbed magnetic flux density component in eddy current NDT of flaws
P Baskaran, D Pasadas, H Ramos, A Ribeiro
2021 Telecoms Conference (ConfTELE), 1-4, 2021
Detection of cracks by eddy current testing based on dilation invariance principle
HG Ramos, P Baskaran, AL Ribeiro
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 52 (1-2 …, 2016
Analytical model of perturbed EMF in a Transmit-Receive coil System Due to thin flaws
P Baskaran, D Pasadas, A Ribeiro, H Ramos
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 58 (5), 1-5, 2022
Bayesian Statistics Applied to the Nondestructive Evaluation for the POD and Classification of Flaw Sizes
P Baskaran, AL Ribeiro, HG Ramos
Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation XXII, 110-117, 2019
The dilation invariance principle in eddy-current non-destructive evaluation technique analytical justification
P Baskaran, AL Ribeiro, HG Ramos
2017 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology …, 2017
Evaluation of the detectability of flaws in a two layer structure: A simulation-based PoD study incorporating correlated variables
P Baskaran, HG Ramos, AL Ribeiro
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 74 (4), 343-349, 2024
Corrosion Assessment and Classification in SPCC Steel Using Eddy Current Testing
L Xie, P Baskaran, FC Alegria, AL Ribeiro, HG Ramos
Theoretical Predictions of Perturbed Magnetic Flux Density Components Due to Narrow Flaws in ECT
P Baskaran, AL Ribeiro, HG Ramos
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 72, 1-7, 2023
Modelling of PoD Curves Incorporating Multiple Correlated Flaw Signals
P Baskaran, AL Ribeiro, HG Ramos
Electromagnetic Non-Destructive Evaluation (XXIV), 1-9, 2023
Semi-Analytical Modelling of Perturbations in Magnetic Flux Density due to Narrow Flaws in Eddy Current NDT
P Baskaran, DJ Pasadas, AL Ribeiro, HG Ramos
11th International Workshop NDT in Progress, 2021
Application of Dilation Invariance Principle in Eddy-current Nondestructive Testing
P Baskaran
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Articles 1–20