Hamza Faraji
Hamza Faraji
National School of Applied Sciences, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech, Morocco
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Transient simulation of finned heat sinks embedded with PCM for electronics cooling
A Arshad, M Jabbal, PT Sardari, MA Bashir, H Faraji, Y Yan
Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 18, 100520, 2020
Thermal performance of a phase change material-based heat sink in presence of nanoparticles and metal-foam to enhance cooling performance of electronics
A Arshad, M Jabbal, H Faraji, P Talebizadehsardari, MA Bashir, Y Yan
Journal of Energy Storage 48, 103882, 2022
Heat transfer enhancement of phase-change materials (PCMs) based thermal management systems for electronic components: A review of recent advances
I Afaynou, H Faraji, K Choukairy, A Arshad, M Arıcı
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 143, 106690, 2023
Passive thermal management strategy for cooling multiple portable electronic components: Hybrid nanoparticles enhanced phase change materials as an innovative solution
H Faraji, Ç Yıldız, A Arshad, M Arıcı, K Choukairy, M El Alami
Journal of Energy Storage 70, 108087, 2023
Emerging applications of phase change materials: A concise review of recent advances
H Faraji, A Benkaddour, K Oudaoui, M El Alami, M Faraji
Heat Transfer, 2020
Investigating the effect of single and hybrid nanoparticles on melting of phase change material in a rectangular enclosure with finite heat source
H Faraji, M El Alami, A Arshad
International Journal of Energy Research 45 (3), 4314-4330, 2021
Numerical study of nanocomposite phase change material-based heat sink for the passive cooling of electronic components
A Arshad, M Jabbal, H Faraji, P Talebizadehsardari, MA Bashir, Y Yan
Heat and mass transfer 60 (11), 1869-1883, 2024
Numerical simulation of the melting of a NePCM for cooling of electronic components
H Faraji, M El Alami, A Arshad, M Faraji
Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 21, 100766, 2021
Improved heating floor thermal performance by adding PCM microcapsules enhanced by single and hybrid nanoparticles
O Babaharra, K Choukairy, H Faraji, S Hamdaoui
Heat Transfer, 2023
Numerical study of the thermal energy storage behaviour of a novel composite PCM/Concrete wall integrated solar collector
A Benkaddour, M Faraji, H Faraji
Materials Today: Proceedings 30, 905-908, 2020
Numerical survey on performance of hybrid NePCM for cooling of electronics: Effect of heat source position and heat sink inclination
H Faraji, ME Alami, A Arshad, Y Hariti
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications 13 (5), 051010, 2021
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of natural convection heat transfer phenomenon for thermal management of multiple electronic components
H Faraji, M Teggar, A Arshad, M Arıcı, EM Berra, K Choukairy
Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 45, 102126, 2023
Cooling of recent microprocessors by the fusion of nano-enhanced phase change materials
H Faraji, M Faraji, M El Alami, Y Hariti, A Arshad, A Hader, A Benkaddour
Materials Today: Proceedings 30, 865-869, 2020
Numerical study of the transient melting of nano-enhanced phase change material
H Faraji, M Faraji, M El Alami
Heat Transfer Engineering 42 (2), 120-139, 2021
Numerical survey of the melting driven natural convection using generation heat source: application to the passive cooling of electronics using nano-enhanced phase change material
H Faraji, M Faraji, M El Alami
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications 12 (2), 021005, 2020
Scaling Law of Permeability and Porosity for Fluid Transport‎ Phenomena in Porous PCM Media
Y Hariti, A Hader, H Faraji, Y Boughaleb
Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics 7 (1), 84-92, 2021
Heat transfer improvement of phase change materials by metal foams and nanoparticles for efficient electronic thermal management: A comprehensive study
I Afaynou, H Faraji, K Choukairy, M Arıcı, K Khallaki
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 227, 125534, 2024
Thermal process enhancement of HNCPCM filled heat sink: Effect of hybrid nanoparticles ratio and shape
A Arshad, M Jabbal, H Faraji, MA Bashir, P Talebizadehsardari, Y Yan
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 125, 105323, 2021
Modelling of fluid flow in porous media and filtering water process: Langevin dynamics and Darcy’s law based approach
Y Hariti, Y Hajji, A Hader, H Faraji, Y Boughaleb, M Faraji, D Saifaoui
Materials Today: Proceedings 30, 870-875, 2020
Transient simulation of finned heat sinks embedded with PCM for electronics cooling, Therm. Sci. Eng. Prog. 18 (2020), 100520
A Arshad, M Jabbal, PT Sardari, MA Bashir, H Faraji, Y Yan
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Articles 1–20