Prof Jennifer Cumming
Cited by
Cited by
Deliberate imagery practice: the development of imagery skills in competitive athletes
J Cumming, C Hall
Journal of Sports Sciences 20 (2), 137-145, 2002
Further validation and development of the movement imagery questionnaire
SE Williams, J Cumming, N Ntoumanis, SM Nordin-Bates, R Ramsey, ...
Journal of sport and exercise psychology 34 (5), 621-646, 2012
11 The Role of Imagery in Performance
J Cumming, SE Williams
The Oxford handbook of sport and performance psychology, 213, 2012
Motivational profiles and psychological skills use within elite youth sport
C Harwood, J Cumming, D Fletcher
Journal of applied sport psychology 16 (4), 318-332, 2004
Measuring athlete imagery ability: The sport imagery ability questionnaire
SE Williams, J Cumming
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 33 (3), 416-440, 2011
Imagery in sport, exercise, and dance.
S Murphy, S Nordin, J Cumming
Human Kinetics, 2008
Introducing the revised applied model of deliberate imagery use for sport, dance, exercise, and rehabilitation
J Cumming, SE Williams
Movement & Sport Sciences-Science & Motricité 82 (4), 69-81, 2013
Imagery interventions in sport
J Cumming, R Ramsey
Advances in applied sport psychology, 15-46, 2008
The cognitive and motivational effects of imagery training: A matter of perspective
JL Cumming, DM Ste-Marie
The Sport Psychologist 15 (3), 276-288, 2001
Basic psychological need satisfaction, stress-related appraisals, and dancers’ cortisol and anxiety responses
E Quested, JA Bosch, VE Burns, J Cumming, N Ntoumanis, JL Duda
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 33 (6), 828-846, 2011
Professional dancers describe their imagery: Where, when, what, why, and how
SM Nordin, J Cumming
The Sport Psychologist 19 (4), 395-416, 2005
Athletes’ use of imagery in the off-season
J Cumming, C Hall
The Sport Psychologist 16 (2), 160-172, 2002
The use of imagery to manipulate challenge and threat appraisal states in athletes
SE Williams, J Cumming, GM Balanos
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 32 (3), 339-358, 2010
Profiles of perfectionism, body-related concerns, and indicators of psychological health in vocational dance students: An investigation of the 2× 2 model of perfectionism
J Cumming, JL Duda
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 13 (6), 729-738, 2012
Mental qualities and employed mental techniques of young elite team sport athletes
MJG Holland, C Woodcock, J Cumming, JL Duda
Journal of clinical sport psychology 4 (1), 19-38, 2010
Examining the direction of imagery and self-talk on dart-throwing performance and self efficacy
J Cumming, SM Nordin, R Horton, S Reynolds
The Sport Psychologist 20 (3), 257-274, 2006
The role of outdoor adventure education in facilitating groupwork in higher education
SJ Cooley, VE Burns, J Cumming
Higher Education 69, 567-582, 2015
Self-reported psychological states and physiological responses to different types of motivational general imagery
J Cumming, T Olphin, M Law
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 29 (5), 629-644, 2007
Imagining yourself dancing to perfection? Correlates of perfectionism among ballet and contemporary dancers
SM Nordin-Bates, J Cumming, D Aways, L Sharp
Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology 5 (1), 58-76, 2011
Imagery and observational learning use and their relationship to sport confidence
CR Hall, KJ Munroe-Chandler, J Cumming, B Law, R Ramsey, L Murphy
Journal of Sports Sciences 27 (4), 327-337, 2009
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Articles 1–20