Julie Poirier
Julie Poirier
Crest Ensae
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Cited by
Environmental policy stringency and technological innovation: evidence from survey data and patent counts
N Johnstone, I Haščič, J Poirier, M Hemar, C Michel
Applied Economics 44 (17), 2157-2170, 2012
Using the choice experiment method for valuing improvements in water quality: A simultaneous application to four recreation sites of a river basin
J Poirier, A Fleuret
59th Conference of Association Française de Science Economique, 9-10, 2010
The Benefits of International Co-authorship in Scientific Papers: The Case of Wind Energy Technologies
J Poirier, N Johnstone, I Haščič, J Silva
OECD, 2015
How much are residents willing-to-pay for improvements in water quality
J Poirier, A Fleuret
A study of choice experiments applied simultaneously to four recreation …, 2010
Combien les résidents sont-ils disposés à payer pour des améliorations de la qualité de l’eau? Une application simultanée de la méthode d’expériences des choix à quatre sites …
J Poirier*, A Fleuret**
Économie et Prévision, 157-182, 2015
How to Deal with Protest Bids and Preference for the Status Quo in Choice Experiments?
J Poirier
Center for Research in Economics and Statistics Working Papers, 2012
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Articles 1–6