Sylvain Drapier
Sylvain Drapier
Professor, Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne, LGF CNRS & centre SMS, IMT, Université de Lyon
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Numerical modelling of liquid infusion into fibrous media undergoing compaction
P Celle, S Drapier, JM Bergheau
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 27 (4), 647-661, 2008
Finite-element investigation of the compressive strength of non-crimp-fabric-based composites
S Drapier, MR Wisnom
Composites Science and Technology 59 (8), 1287-1297, 1999
Specific features of flax fibres used to manufacture composite materials
C Baley, M Gomina, J Bréard, A Bourmaud, S Drapier, M Ferreira, ...
International Journal of Material Forming 12, 1023-1052, 2019
Nonlinear interaction of geometrical and material properties in sandwich beam instabilities
L Léotoing, S Drapier, A Vautrin
International Journal of Solids and Structures 39 (13-14), 3717-3739, 2002
Capillary wicking in a fibrous reinforcement–Orthotropic issues to determine the capillary pressure components
MF Pucci, PJ Liotier, S Drapier
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 77, 133-141, 2015
Influence of the stitching density on the transverse permeability of non-crimped new concept (NC2) multiaxial reinforcements: measurements and predictions
S Drapier, A Pagot, A Vautrin, P Henrat
Composites Science and Technology 62 (15), 1979-1991, 2002
A structural approach of plastic microbuckling in long fibre composites: comparison with theoretical and experimental results
S Drapier, JC Grandidier, M Potier-Ferry
International Journal of Solids and Structures 38 (22-23), 3877-3904, 2001
A finite-element investigation of the interlaminar shear behaviour of non-crimp-fabric-based composites
S Drapier, MR Wisnom
Composites Science and Technology 59 (16), 2351-2362, 1999
First applications of a novel unified model for global and local buckling of sandwich columns
L Léotoing, S Drapier, A Vautrin
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 21 (4), 683-701, 2002
Combining a level‐set method and a mixed stabilized P1/P1 formulation for coupling Stokes–Darcy flows
G Pacquaut, J Bruchon, N Moulin, S Drapier
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 69 (2), 459-480, 2012
Experimental assessment and analytical 2D predictions of the stocking pressures induced on a model leg by Medical Compressive Stockings
I Gaied, S Drapier, B Lun
Journal of Biomechanics 39 (16), 3017-3025, 2006
Mixed experimental and numerical approach for characterizing the biomechanical response of the human leg under elastic compression
S Avril, L Bouten, L Dubuis, S Drapier, JF Pouget
Characterization of friction properties at the workmaterial/cutting tool interface during the machining of randomly structured carbon fibers reinforced polymer with carbide …
O Klinkova, J Rech, S Drapier, JM Bergheau
Tribology International 44 (12), 2050-2058, 2011
Characterization of transient through-thickness permeabilities of Non Crimp New Concept (NC2) multiaxial fabrics
S Drapier, J Monatte, O Elbouazzaoui, P Henrat
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 36 (7), 877-892, 2005
Capillary effects on flax fibers–Modification and characterization of the wetting dynamics
MF Pucci, PJ Liotier, S Drapier
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 77, 257-265, 2015
Towards a numerical model of the compressive strength for long fibre composites
S Drapier, JC Grandidier, M Potier-Ferry
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 18 (1), 69-92, 1999
Characterization of Liquid Resin Infusion (LRI) filling by fringe pattern projection and in situ thermocouples
P Wang, S Drapier, J Molimard, A Vautrin, JC Minni
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 41 (1), 36-44, 2010
Wetting and swelling property modifications of elementary flax fibres and their effects on the Liquid Composite Molding process
MF Pucci, PJ Liotier, D Seveno, C Fuentes, A Van Vuure, S Drapier
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 97, 31-40, 2017
Structure effect and microbuckling
S Drapier, C Gardin, JC Grandidier, M Potier-Ferry
Composites science and technology 56 (7), 861-867, 1996
Tensiometric method to reliably assess wetting properties of single fibers with resins: Validation on cellulosic reinforcements for composites
MF Pucci, PJ Liotier, S Drapier
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 512, 26-33, 2017
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Articles 1–20