Indah R S Salami
Indah R S Salami
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Kesehatan dan keselamatan Lingkungan Kerja: Edisi Revisi
IRS Salami
Ugm Press, 2022
River water pollution condition in upper part of Brantas River and Bengawan Solo River
D Roosmini, MA Septiono, NE Putri, HM Shabrina, IRS Salami, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 106, 012059, 2018
Environmental prioritization of pesticide in the Upper Citarum River Basin, Indonesia, using predicted and measured concentrations
RR Utami, GW Geerling, IRS Salami, S Notodarmojo, AMJ Ragas
Science of the Total Environment 738, 140130, 2020
Hubungan Antara Bahaya Fisik Lingkungan Kerja Dan Beban Kerja Dengan Tingkat Kelelahan Pada Pekerja Di Divisi Stamping Pt. X Indonesia
T Ihsan, IRS Salami
Dampak: Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan Universitas Andalas 12 (1), 10-16, 2015
Accumulation of heavy metals in freshwater fish in cage aquaculture at Cirata reservoir, West Java, Indonesia
IRS Salami, S Rahmawati, RIH Sutarto, PM Jaya
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1140 (1), 290-296, 2008
The associations of heavy metals exposure in water sources to the risk of stunting cases
K Oginawati, SJ Yapfrine, N Fahimah, IRS Salami, SH Susetyo
Emerging Contaminants 9 (4), 100247, 2023
Profil distribusi pencemaran logam berat pada air dan sedimen aliran sungai dari air lindi TPA Sari Mukti
DI Mahardika, IRS Salami
Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan 18 (1), 30, 2012
Model prakiraan debit air dalam rangka optimalisasi pengelolaan waduk saguling–Kaskade Citarum
M Marselina, A Sabar
Jurnal Purifikasi 17 (1), 2017
Pengaruh kerapatan tanaman kiapu (Pistia sttratiotes L) terhadap serapan logam Cu pada air
A Nurfitri, R Indah
Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan 16 (1), 42-51, 2010
Agricultural pesticide use in the upper Citarum river basin: Basic data for model-based risk management
RR Utami, GW Geerling, IRS Salami, S Notodarmojo, AMJ Ragas
Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 3 (2), 235-260, 2020
Kandungan merkuri pada urin dan rambut sebagai indikasi paparan merkuri terhadap pekerja tambang emas tanpa izin (PETI) di desa pasar terusan kecamatan muara bulian kabupaten …
F Zaharani, IRS Salami
Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan 21 (2), 169-179, 2015
Laboratory experiment on the determination of radiostrontium transfer parameter in water–fish compartment system
PI Tjahaja, P Sukmabuana, IRS Salami, BS Muntalif
Journal of environmental radioactivity 109, 60-63, 2012
Mapping domestic water use to quantify water-demand and water-related contaminant exposure in a peri-urban community, Indonesia
RR Utami, GW Geerling, IRS Salami, S Notodarmojo, AMJ Ragas
International Journal of Environmental Health Research 34 (1), 625-638, 2024
Analysis of heavy metals (Pb and Cd) in soil layers of Indonesia: Spatial distribution, potential source, and groundwater effect
D Anggraeni, K Oginawati, N Fahimah, IRS Salami, HR Absari, ...
Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 9, 100652, 2024
Variations of groundwater turbidity in the Bandung regency, Indonesia: from community-used water quality monitoring data
N Fahimah, IRS Salami, K Oginawati, YN Thaher
HydroResearch 6, 216-227, 2023
The assessment of water quality and human health risk from pollution of chosen heavy metals in the Upstream Citarum River, Indonesia
N Fahimah, IRS Salami, K Oginawati, SH Susetyo, A Tambun, ...
Journal of Water and Land Development, 2023
Kajian kandungan logam berat pada ikan air tawar di pasar tradisional dan pasar swalayan Kota Bandung
PO Savitri, IRS Salami
Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan, 2009
Fate and Spatial Distribution of Co, Cr and Ni in the Water Column and in the Surface Sediment of Indonesian Estuary (Citarum River Estuary)
N Fahimah, K Oginawati, IRS Salami, SH Susetyo, H Mubiarto, A Kurnia, ...
Mapping and identifying heavy metals in water use as chemicals of potential concerns in upper watershed
N Fahimah, IRS Salami, K Oginawati, SJ Yapfrine, A Supriatin, YN Thaher
Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage 9 (4), 765-788, 2023
Study of Clean Water and Sanitation Access and Its Relationship to Waterborne and Stunting Prevalence in Bandung Regency
PS Kamila, IRS Salami
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1065 (1), 012039, 2022
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Articles 1–20