Ha Le Nhu Ngoc Thanh
Ha Le Nhu Ngoc Thanh
Ph.D., Department of Mechatronics Engineering, HCMUTE
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Cited by
Quadcopter robust adaptive second order sliding mode control based on PID sliding surface
HLNN Thanh, SK Hong
IEEE access 6, 66850-66860, 2018
Robust Position Control of an Over-actuated Underwater Vehicle under Model Uncertainties and Ocean Current Effects Using Dynamic Sliding Mode Surface and Optimal Allocation Control
MT Vu, TH Le, HLNN Thanh, TT Huynh, M Van, QD Hoang, TD Do
Sensors 21 (3), 747, 2021
Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for Attitude and Altitude system of a Quadcopter UAV via Neural Network
NN Phi, NX Mung, HLNN Thanh, SK Hong
IEEE Access 9, 2021
Station-Keeping Control of a Hovering Over-Actuated Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Under Ocean Current Effects and Model Uncertainties in Horizontal Plane
MT Vu, HLNN Thanh, TT Huynh, Q Thang, T Duc, QD Hoang, TH Le
IEEE Access 9, 6855-6867, 2021
Autonomous quadcopter precision landing onto a heaving platform: New method and experiment
N Xuan-Mung, SK Hong, NP Nguyen, HLNN Thanh, TL Le
IEEE Access 8, 167192-167202, 2020
Perturbation Observer-Based Robust Control Using a Multiple Sliding Surfaces for Nonlinear Systems with Influences of Matched and Unmatched Uncertainties
HLNN Thanh, MT Vu, NX Mung, NP Nguyen, NT Phuong
Mathematics 8 (8), 2020
Completion of collision avoidance control algorithm for multicopters based on geometrical constraints
HLNN Thanh, SK Hong
IEEE Access 6, 27111-27126, 2018
Simple nonlinear control of quadcopter for collision avoidance based on geometric approach in static environment
HLNN Thanh, NN Phi, SK Hong
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 15 (2), 1729881418767575, 2018
Robust Dynamic Sliding Mode Control based PID – Super Twisting Algorithm and Disturbance Observer for Second Order Nonlinear Systems: Apply to UAVs
HLNN Thanh, SK Hong
Prime Archives in Electronics, 2020
Nonlinear control for autonomous trajectory tracking while considering collision avoidance of UAVs based on geometric relations
HLNN Thanh, DHP Bui, SK Hong
Energies 12 (8), 1551, 2019
Robust Dynamic Sliding Mode Control-Based PID–Super Twisting Algorithm and Disturbance Observer for Second-Order Nonlinear Systems: Application to UAVs
HLNN Thanh, SK Hong
Electronics 8 (7), 760, 2019
Finite-Time Attitude Fault Tolerant Control of Quadcopter System via Neural Networks
NP Nguyen, NX Mung, HLNN Thanh, TT Huynh, SK Hong
Mathematics 8 (9), 2020
Quadcopter Precision Landing on Moving Targets via Disturbance Observer-based Controller and Autonomous Landing Planner
N Xuan-Mung, NP Nguyen, T Nguyen, DB Pham, MT Vu, HLNN Thanh, ...
IEEE Access, 2022
Finite-time stability of MIMO nonlinear systems based on robust adaptive sliding control: Methodology and application to stabilize chaotic motions
HLNN Thanh, MT Vu, NP Nguyen, NX Mung, SK Hong
IEEE Access 9, 21759-21768, 2021
Novel gain-tuning for sliding mode control of second-order mechanical systems: theory and experiments
N Xuan-Mung, NP Nguyen, DB Pham, NN Dao, HT Nguyen, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 10541, 2023
An extended multi-surface sliding control for matched/mismatched uncertain nonlinear systems through a lumped disturbance estimator
HLNN Thanh, SK Hong
IEEE Access 8, 91468-91475, 2020
Quadcopter UAVs Extended States/Disturbance Observer-Based Nonlinear Robust Backstepping Control
HLNN Thanh, TT Huynh, MT Vu, NX Mung, NN Phi, SK Hong, TNL Vu
Sensors 22 (14), 2022
Fault-tolerant control for hexacopter UAV using adaptive algorithm with severe faults
NP Nguyen, N Xuan Mung, LNNT Ha, SK Hong
Aerospace 9 (6), 304, 2022
An effective dynamic sliding mode control based nonlinear disturbance observer for a quadrotor UAV
HLNN Thanh, CH Lee, NX Mung, SK Hong
2020 IEEE 16th International Conference on Control & Automation (ICCA), 1553 …, 2020
Stability analysis of a fractional-order high-speed supercavitating vehicle model with delay
PT Doan, PDH Bui, MT Vu, HLNN Thanh, S Hossain
Machines 9 (7), 129, 2021
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Articles 1–20