Shuying Chen
Cited by
Cited by
Tailoring magnetic behavior of CoFeMnNiX (X= Al, Cr, Ga, and Sn) high entropy alloys by metal doping
T Zuo, MC Gao, L Ouyang, X Yang, Y Cheng, R Feng, S Chen, PK Liaw, ...
Acta Materialia 130, 10-18, 2017
Design of light-weight high-entropy alloys
R Feng, MC Gao, C Lee, M Mathes, T Zuo, S Chen, JA Hawk, Y Zhang, ...
Entropy 18 (9), 333, 2016
Phase stability of low-density, multiprincipal component alloys containing aluminum, magnesium, and lithium
X Yang, SY Chen, JD Cotton, Y Zhang
Jom 66, 2009-2020, 2014
Serration and noise behaviors in materials
Y Zhang, JP Liu, SY Chen, X Xie, PK Liaw, KA Dahmen, JW Qiao, ...
Progress in Materials Science 90, 358-460, 2017
Additive manufacturing of high-entropy alloys: a review
S Chen, Y Tong, PK Liaw
Entropy 20 (12), 937, 2018
Phase transformations of HfNbTaTiZr high-entropy alloy at intermediate temperatures
SY Chen, Y Tong, KK Tseng, JW Yeh, JD Poplawsky, JG Wen, MC Gao, ...
Scripta Materialia 158, 50-56, 2019
Microstructures and Crackling Noise of AlxNbTiMoV High Entropy Alloys
SY Chen, X Yang, KA Dahmen, PK Liaw, Y Zhang
Entropy 16 (2), 870-884, 2014
Grain growth and Hall-Petch relationship in a refractory HfNbTaZrTi high-entropy alloy
S Chen, KK Tseng, Y Tong, W Li, CW Tsai, JW Yeh, PK Liaw
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 795, 19-26, 2019
Experiments and model for serration statistics in low-entropy, medium-entropy and high-entropy alloys
R Carroll, C Lee, CW Tsai, JW Yeh, J Antonaglia, BAW Brinkman, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 16997, 2015
Fatigue and fracture behavior of bulk metallic glasses and their composites
H Jia, G Wang, S Chen, Y Gao, W Li, PK Liaw
Progress in Materials Science 98, 168-248, 2018
Towards a greater understanding of serrated flows in an Al-containing high-entropy-based alloy
J Brechtl, SY Chen, X Xie, Y Ren, JW Qiao, PK Liaw, SJ Zinkle
International Journal of Plasticity 115, 71-92, 2019
A review of the serrated-flow phenomenon and its role in the deformation behavior of high-entropy alloys
J Brechtl, S Chen, C Lee, Y Shi, R Feng, X Xie, D Hamblin, AM Coleman, ...
Metals 10 (8), 1101, 2020
Nanoscale serration and creep characteristics of Al0. 5CoCrCuFeNi high-entropy alloys
S Chen, W Li, X Xie, J Brechtl, B Chen, P Li, G Zhao, F Yang, J Qiao, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 752, 464-475, 2018
Wire-arc additive manufacturing and post-heat treatment optimization on microstructure and mechanical properties of Grade 91 steel
K Li, MA Klecka, S Chen, W Xiong
Additive Manufacturing 37, 101734, 2021
Discovery and design of fatigue-resistant high-entropy alloys
W Li, S Chen, PK Liaw
Scripta Materialia 187, 68-75, 2020
Temperature effects on the serrated behavior of an Al0. 5CoCrCuFeNi high-entropy alloy
S Chen, X Xie, W Li, R Feng, B Chen, J Qiao, Y Ren, Y Zhang, ...
Materials Chemistry and Physics 210, 20-28, 2018
Effects of Temperature on Serrated Flows of Al0.5CoCrCuFeNi High-Entropy Alloy
S Chen, X Xie, B Chen, J Qiao, Y Zhang, Y Ren, KA Dahmen, PK Liaw
Jom 67, 2314-2320, 2015
Effects of Al and Ti co-doping on the strength-ductility-corrosion resistance of CoCrFeNi-AlTi high-entropy alloys
W Qi, W Wang, X Yang, G Zhang, W Ye, Y Su, Y Li, S Chen
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 925, 166751, 2022
Portevin-Le Chatelier mechanism in face-centered-cubic metallic alloys from low to high entropy
CW Tsai, C Lee, PT Lin, X Xie, S Chen, R Carroll, M LeBlanc, ...
International journal of plasticity 122, 212-224, 2019
High throughput synthesis enabled exploration of CoCrFeNi-based high entropy alloys
L Zhao, J L., LX Yang, H Wang, WY Zhang, GY Ji, X Zhou, WA Curtin, ...
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 110, 269-282, 2021
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