Aidin Delgoshaei
Aidin Delgoshaei
Professor of the Practice at the University of Kansas
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Cited by
A multi-layer perceptron for scheduling cellular manufacturing systems in the presence of unreliable machines and uncertain cost
A Delgoshaei, C Gomes
Applied Soft Computing 49, 27-55, 2016
Review of evolution of cellular manufacturing system’s approaches: Material transferring models
A Delgoshaei, MKAM Ariffin, Z Leman, BTHTB Baharudin, C Gomes
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing 17, 131-149, 2016
A multi-period scheduling method for trading-off between skilled-workers allocation and outsource service usage in dynamic CMS
A Delgoshaei, MKA Ariffin, A Ali
International journal of production research 55 (4), 997-1039, 2017
A multi-period scheduling of dynamic cellular manufacturing systems in the presence of cost uncertainty
A Delgoshaei, A Ali, MKA Ariffin, C Gomes
Computers & Industrial Engineering 100, 110-132, 2016
An applicable method for modifying over-allocated multi-mode resource constraint schedules in the presence of preemptive resources
A Delgoshaei, T Rabczuk, A Ali, MKA Ariffin
Annals of Operations Research 259 (1), 85-117, 2017
Minimizing makespan of a resource-constrained scheduling problem: A hybrid greedy and genetic algorithms
A Delgoshaei, M Ariffin, B Baharudin, Z Leman
International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations 6 (4), 503-520, 2015
A new method for decreasing cell-load variation in dynamic cellular manufacturing systems
A Delgoshaei, MKM Ariffin, B Baharudin, Z Leman
International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations 7 (1), 83-110, 2016
Evolution of clustering techniques in designing cellular manufacturing systems: A state-of-art
A Delgoshaeia, A Delgoshaeib, A Alic
International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations 10, 177-198, 2019
A new model for logistics and transportation of fashion goods in the presence of stochastic market demands considering restricted retailers capacity
A Delgoshaei, H Norozi, A Mirzazadeh, M Farhadi, GH Pakdel, AK Aram
RAIRO-Operations Research 55, S523-S547, 2021
A comprehensive model for determining technological innovation level in supply chains using green investment, eco-friendly design and customer collaborations factors
R Beigizadeh, A Delgoshaei, MKA Ariffin, SE Hanjani, A Ali
RAIRO-Operations Research 56 (4), 2775-2800, 2022
A backward approach for maximizing net present value of multi-mode pre-emptive resource-constrained project scheduling problem with discounted cash flows using simulated …
A Delgoshaei, MK Ariffin, BTHTB Baharudin, Z Leman
International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management 5 (3), 151, 2014
An applicable method for scheduling temporary and skilled-workers in dynamic cellular manufacturing systems using hybrid ant colony optimization and tabu search algorithms
A Delgoshaei, A Ali
Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering 34 (6), 425-449, 2017
A robust optimization approach for scheduling a supply chain system considering preventive maintenance and emergency services using a hybrid ant colony optimization and …
A Delgoshaei, A Aram, A Ali
Uncertain Supply Chain Management 7 (2), 251-274, 2019
Pre-emptive resource-constrained multimode project scheduling using genetic algorithm: A dynamic forward approach
A Delgoshaei, MKA Ariffin, BT Baharudin
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management (JIEM) 9 (3), 732-785, 2016
A hybrid ant colony optimization and simulated annealing algorithm for multi-objective scheduling of cellular manufacturing systems
A Delgoshaei, A Ali
International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing (IJAMC) 11 (3), 1-40, 2020
A sustainable method for scheduling maintenance services of an airline with the aims of minimising awaiting times and maximising flights performance
A Delgoshaei, F Naserbakht
International Journal of Sustainable Aviation 5 (2), 119-157, 2019
Evaluating impact of market changes on increasing cell-load variation in dynamic cellular manufacturing systems using a hybrid Tabu search and simulated annealing algorithms
A Delgoshaei, M Parvin, M Ariffin
Decision Science Letters 5 (2), 219-244, 2016
A hybrid ant colony system and tabu search algorithm for the production planning of dynamic cellular manufacturing systems while confronting uncertain costs
A Delgoshaei, A Mirzazadeh, A Ali
Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management 15 (4), 499-516, 2018
A supervised method for scheduling multi-objective job shop systems in the presence of market uncertainties
A Delgoshaei, AK Aram, S Ehsani, A Rezanoori, SE Hanjani, GH Pakdel, ...
RAIRO-Operations Research 55, S1165-S1193, 2021
A new method for distributing and transporting of fashion goods in a closed-loop supply chain in the presence of market uncertainty
A Delgoshaei, M Farhadi, SH Esmaeili, A Delgoshaei, A Mirzazadeh
Industrial Engineering & Management Systems 18 (4), 825-844, 2019
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Articles 1–20