Jeremy Bray
Jeremy Bray
Professor of Economics, UNCG
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Cited by
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT): toward a public health approach to the management of substance abuse
TF Babor, BG McRee, PA Kassebaum, PL Grimaldi, K Ahmed, J Bray
Alcohol/Drug Screening and Brief Intervention, 7-30, 2023
7 getting there from here: research on the effects of work–family initiatives on work–family conflict and business outcomes
EL Kelly, EE Kossek, LB Hammer, M Durham, J Bray, K Chermack, ...
Academy of Management annals 2 (1), 305-349, 2008
Screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment: implications of SAMHSA's SBIRT initiative for substance abuse policy and practice
TF Babor, F Del Boca, JW Bray
Addiction 112, 110-117, 2017
The relationship between marijuana initiation and dropping out of high school
JW Bray, GA Zarkin, C Ringwalt, J Qi
Health economics 9 (1), 9-18, 2000
Response by adults to increases in cigarette prices by sociodemographic characteristics
MC Farrelly, JW Bray, T Pechacek, T Woollery
Southern Economic Journal 68 (1), 156-165, 2001
Prevalence and costs of major depression among elderly claimants with diabetes
EA Finkelstein, JW Bray, H Chen, MJ Larson, K Miller, C Tompkins, ...
Diabetes care 26 (2), 415-420, 2003
Treatment patterns and distribution of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in treatment-eligible United States adults
TJ Hoerger, MV Bala, JW Bray, TC Wilcosky, J LaRosa
The American journal of cardiology 82 (1), 61-65, 1998
Alcohol use and wages: new results from the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse
GA Zarkin, MT French, T Mroz, JW Bray
Journal of health economics 17 (1), 53-68, 1998
The joint demand for cigarettes and marijuana: evidence from the National Household Surveys on Drug Abuse
MC Farrelly, JW Bray, GA Zarkin, BW Wendling
Journal of health economics 20 (1), 51-68, 2001
Response to increases in cigarette prices by race/ethnicity, income, and age groups—United States, 1976–1993
MC Farrelly, JW Bray
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 47 (29), 605-609, 1998
Response to increases in cigarette prices by race/ethnicity, income, and age groups--United States, 1976-1993
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC
MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report 47 (29), 605-609, 1998
Substance use outcomes of patients served by a large US implementation of Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)
A Aldridge, R Linford, J Bray
Addiction 112, 43-53, 2017
Brief interventions for at-risk drinking: patient outcomes and cost-effectiveness in managed care organizations
TF Babor, JC Higgins-Biddle, D Dauser, JA Burleson, GA Zarkin, J Bray
Alcohol and Alcoholism 41 (6), 624-631, 2006
An integrative, multilevel, and transdisciplinary research approach to challenges of work, family, and health
JW Bray, EL Kelly, LB Hammer, DM Almeida, JW Dearing, RB King, ...
Methods Report (RTI Press), 1, 2013
The cost-effectiveness of alcohol screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) in emergency and outpatient medical settings
C Barbosa, A Cowell, J Bray, A Aldridge
Journal of substance abuse treatment 53, 1-8, 2015
Alcohol drinking patterns and health care utilization in a managed care organization
GA Zarkin, JW Bray, TF Babor, JC Higgins‐Biddle
Health services research 39 (3), 553-570, 2004
The effects of prices and policies on the demand for marijuana: Evidence from the National Household Surveys on Drug Abuse
MC Farrelly, JW Bray, G Zarkin, B Wendling, RL Pacula
National Bureau of Economic Research, 1999
Alcohol use, human capital, and wages
JW Bray
Journal of Labor Economics 23 (2), 279-312, 2005
The effect of treatment completion and length of stay on employment and crime in outpatient drug-free treatment
GA Zarkin, LJ Dunlap, JW Bray, WM Wechsberg
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 23 (4), 261-271, 2002
Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT): rationale, program overview and cross‐site evaluation
JW Bray, FK Del Boca, BG McRee, SW Hayashi, TF Babor
Addiction 112, 3-11, 2017
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Articles 1–20