Denise Benoit
Denise Benoit
Halliburton Energy Services
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Cited by
The structure, composition, and dimensions of TiO2 and ZnO nanomaterials in commercial sunscreens
ZA Lewicka, AF Benedetto, DN Benoit, WW Yu, JD Fortner, VL Colvin
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 13, 3607-3617, 2011
Bilayers as phase transfer agents for nanocrystals prepared in nonpolar solvents
A Prakash, H Zhu, CJ Jones, DN Benoit, AZ Ellsworth, EL Bryant, ...
ACS nano 3 (8), 2139-2146, 2009
Measuring the grafting density of nanoparticles in solution by analytical ultracentrifugation and total organic carbon analysis
DN Benoit, H Zhu, MH Lilierose, RA Verm, N Ali, AN Morrison, JD Fortner, ...
Analytical chemistry 84 (21), 9238-9245, 2012
Size-dependent sedimentation properties of nanocrystals
JA Jamison, KM Krueger, CT Yavuz, JT Mayo, D LeCrone, JJ Redden, ...
Acs Nano 2 (2), 311-319, 2008
Gadolinium oxide nanoplates with high longitudinal relaxivity for magnetic resonance imaging
M Cho, R Sethi, SS Lee, DN Benoit, N Taheri, P Decuzzi, VL Colvin
Nanoscale 6 (22), 13637-13645, 2014
Low temperature synthesis of ZnS and CdZnS shells on CdSe quantum dots
H Zhu, A Prakash, DN Benoit, CJ Jones, VL Colvin
Nanotechnology 21 (25), 255604, 2010
Photo-oxidation of hydrogenated fullerene (fullerane) in water
J Wu, DG Goodwin Jr, K Peter, D Benoit, W Li, DH Fairbrother, JD Fortner
Environmental Science & Technology Letters 1 (12), 490-494, 2014
Engineered superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for ultra-enhanced uranium separation and sensing
W Li, JT Mayo, DN Benoit, LD Troyer, ZA Lewicka, BJ Lafferty, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4 (39), 15022-15029, 2016
Porous cement composition for propping fractures open
VSS Bhamidipati, DN Benoit, JD Weaver, PD Nguyen
US Patent 10,011,764, 2018
Surfactant selection methods for fluid recovery in subterranean formations
DN Benoit, CS Palla-venkata, JM Burks, NC Schultheiss, A Alwattari, ...
US Patent 10,023,787, 2018
Ground State Reactions of nC60 with Free Chlorine in Water
J Wu, D Benoit, SS Lee, W Li, JD Fortner
Environmental Science & Technology 50 (2), 721-731, 2016
Photoenhanced transformation of hydroxylated fullerene (fullerol) by free chlorine in water
J Wu, LB Alemany, W Li, D Benoit, JD Fortner
Environmental Science: Nano 4 (2), 470-479, 2017
Synthesis and crystal structure of gold nanobelts
CM Payne, DE Tsentalovich, DN Benoit, LJE Anderson, W Guo, VL Colvin, ...
Chemistry of Materials 26 (6), 1999-2004, 2014
Obtaining Comparable and Relevant Formation Swelling Sensitivity Data from CST: Is this Even Possible?
D Benoit, GR Montenegro-Galindo, KL Anderson, KW Hoeman
SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control …, 2016
Assessment of local phase to mechanical response link: application to the chemo-mechanical identification of rock phases subjected to reactive environments
R Prakash, PCK Nguene, D Benoit, K Henkel, S Abedi
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 89, 103857, 2021
JS Ananta narayanan, SS Lee, DN Benoit, N. Taheri, P. Decuzzi and VL Colvin
M Cho, R Sethi
Nanoscale 6, 13637-13645, 2014
Configuration and method for increasing the retention time and the storage security in a ferroelectric or ferromagnetic semiconductor memory
M Kund, R Salchner
US Patent 6,661,694, 2003
Advanced workflow for evaluating formation damage and stabilization treatments
DN Benoit, A RECIO III, KW Hoeman
US Patent 10,302,798, 2019
Which Cations are Detrimental to Shale Preservation?
A Recio, D Benoit, K Henkel, K York
SPE International Conference on Oilfield Chemistry?, D031S009R001, 2017
Investigating the role of surfactant in oil/water/rock systems using QCM-D
D Benoit, IW Saputra, A Recio III, K Henkel-Holan
SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control …, 2020
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Articles 1–20