Eric Nicholson
Eric Nicholson
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Toronto
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Cited by
Probing the morphology-device relation of Fe2O3 nanostructures towards photovoltaic and sensing applications
S Agarwala, ZH Lim, E Nicholson, GW Ho
Nanoscale 4 (1), 194-205, 2012
Effect of cations on the structure of bilayers formed by lipopolysaccharides isolated from Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1
N Kucerka, E Papp-Szabo, MP Nieh, TA Harroun, SR Schooling, J Pencer, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112 (27), 8057-8062, 2008
High Performance Space Lubrication of MoS2 with Tantalum
P Serles, E Nicholson, J Tam, N Barri, JB Chemin, G Wang, Y Michel, ...
Advanced Functional Materials, 2110429, 2022
Bicellar mixtures containing pluronic F68: morphology and lateral diffusion from combined SANS and PFG NMR studies
R Soong, MP Nieh, E Nicholson, J Katsaras, PM Macdonald
Langmuir 26 (4), 2630-2638, 2010
Structure‐Dependent Wear and Shear Mechanics of Nanostructured MoS2 Coatings
P Serles, H Sun, G Colas, J Tam, E Nicholson, G Wang, J Howe, A Saulot, ...
Advanced Materials Interfaces 7 (14), 1901870, 2020
Microtissue engineering root dentin with photodynamically cross-linked nanoparticles improves fatigue resistance of endodontically treated teeth
FC Li, E Nicholson, CV Singh, A Kishen
Journal of endodontics 46 (5), 668-674, 2020
Low energy proton irradiation tolerance of molybdenum disulfide lubricants
E Nicholson, P Serles, G Wang, T Filleter, JW Davis, CV Singh
Applied Surface Science 567, 150677, 2021
Effect of He on the Order-Disorder Transition in under Irradiation
P Saidi, P Changizian, E Nicholson, HK Zhang, Y Luo, Z Yao, CV Singh, ...
Physical Review Letters 124 (7), 075901, 2020
Impact of dentin conditioning and sealer modification with chitosan-hydroxyapatite nanocomplexes on the antibacterial and mechanical characteristics of root dentin
A del Carpio-Perochena, E Nicholson, CV Singh, J Camilleri, A Kishen
Journal of Endodontics 48 (10), 1319-1326, 2022
Short-range structural origins of serration events in metallic glasses
M Kumar, E Nicholson, DW Kirk, SJ Thorpe, CV Singh
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 787, 840-850, 2019
Restructuring and Reshaping of CsPbX3 Perovskites by Lithium Salts
A Dumont, E Nicholson, C Qiu, J Pan, Z Gariepy, S Du, J Howe, CV Singh, ...
Advanced Materials Interfaces 9 (30), 2201296, 2022
Nanoindentation yield load reduction in tungsten caused by hydrogen ion irradiation near the threshold displacement energy
E Nicholson, JW Davis, CV Singh
Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B 544, 2023
Strain Driven Electrical Band Gap Tuning of Atomically Thin WSe2
TF Md Akibul Islam, Eric Nicholson, Nima Barri, Momoko Onodera, Danny ...
Advanced Electronic Materials, 2024
Nanoindentation Testing and Atomistic Modelling to Evaluate the Displacement Damage Threshold of Tungsten by Hydrogen Ion Irradiation
EA Nicholson
University of Toronto (Canada), 2019
MoS2+ Ta coating for space application-Sustainable lubrication when transitioning from air to vacuum environments
P Serles, E Nicholson, J Tam, N Barri, JB Chemin, G Wang, Y Michel, ...
34èmes Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie, 2023
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Articles 1–15