matthew solan
matthew solan
Royal Surrey County Hospital; University of Surrey; LSBU London
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Extracorporeal shock wave therapy is effective in treating chronic plantar fasciitis: a meta-analysis of RCTs
A Aqil, MRS Siddiqui, M Solan, DJ Redfern, V Gulati, JP Cobb
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research® 471 (11), 3645-3652, 2013
Prospective, randomized, multi-centered clinical trial assessing safety and efficacy of a synthetic cartilage implant versus first metatarsophalangeal arthrodesis in advanced …
JF Baumhauer, D Singh, M Glazebrook, C Blundell, G De Vries, ILD Le, ...
Foot & Ankle International 37 (5), 457-469, 2016
Ligamentous restraints of the second tarsometatarsal joint: a biomechanical evaluation
MC Solan, CT Moorman III, RG Miyamoto, LE Jasper, SM Belkoff
Foot & ankle international 22 (8), 637-641, 2001
Synovial impingement in the ankle: a new physical sign
S Molloy, MC Solan, SP Bendall
The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume 85 (3), 330-333, 2003
Proximal medial gastrocnemius release in the treatment of recalcitrant plantar fasciitis
A Abbassian, J Kohls-Gatzoulis, MC Solan
Foot & ankle international 33 (1), 14-19, 2012
Cryotherapy compared with Robert Jones bandage after total knee replacement: a prospective randomized trial
C Gibbons, M Solan, D Ricketts, M Patterson
International orthopaedics 25, 250-252, 2001
Posterior malleolus fractures: worth fixing
MC Solan, A Sakellariou
The bone & joint journal 99 (11), 1413-1419, 2017
Manipulation and injection for hallux rigidus: is it worthwhile?
MC Solan, JDF Calder, SP Bendall
The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume 83 (5), 706-708, 2001
Results of proximal medial gastrocnemius release for Achilles tendinopathy
S Gurdezi, J Kohls-Gatzoulis, MC Solan
Foot & ankle international 34 (10), 1364-1369, 2013
Management of paediatric clavicle fractures--is follow-up necessary? An audit of 346 cases
JDF Calder, M Solan, S Gidwani, S Allen, DM Ricketts
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 84 (5), 331, 2002
The rate of instrument breakage during orthopaedic procedures
M Price, S Molloy, M Solan, A Sutton, D Ricketts
International orthopaedics 26, 185-187, 2002
Current management of torus fractures of the distal radius
MC Solan, R Rees, K Daly
Injury 33 (6), 503-505, 2002
Cost benefit with early operative fixation of unstable ankle fractures
P Pietzik, I Qureshi, J Langdon, S Molloy, M Solan
The Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England 88 (4), 405-407, 2006
The surgical anatomy of the dorsomedial cutaneous nerve of the hallux
MC Solan, M Lemon, SP Bendall
The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume 83 (2), 250-252, 2001
The saphenous nerve in foot and ankle surgery: its variable anatomy and relevance
D Marsland, A Dray, NJ Little, MC Solan
Foot and Ankle Surgery 19 (2), 76-79, 2013
Ultrasound scanning for recalcitrant plantar fasciopathy. Basis of a new classification
E Ieong, J Afolayan, A Carne, M Solan
Skeletal radiology 42, 393-398, 2013
Midterm outcomes of a synthetic cartilage implant for the first metatarsophalangeal joint in advanced hallux rigidus
M Glazebrook, CM Blundell, D O’Dowd, D Singh, G de Vries, ILD Le, ...
Foot & Ankle International 40 (4), 374-383, 2019
Correlation of hallux rigidus grade with motion, VAS pain, intraoperative cartilage loss, and treatment success for first MTP joint arthrodesis and synthetic cartilage implant
JF Baumhauer, D Singh, M Glazebrook, CM Blundell, G De Vries, ILD Le, ...
Foot & Ankle International 38 (11), 1175-1182, 2017
Correction of severe hallux valgus using a basal chevron osteotomy and distal soft tissue release
T O’Donnell, N Hogan, M Solan, MM Stephens
Foot and ankle surgery 16 (3), 126-131, 2010
Periprosthetic supracondylar femoral fractures above a total knee replacement: compatibility guide for fixation with a retrograde intramedullary nail
SM Thompson, EAO Lindisfarne, N Bradley, M Solan
The Journal of Arthroplasty 29 (8), 1639-1641, 2014
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Articles 1–20