G.P. Nikishkov
G.P. Nikishkov
Research Scientist, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas, USA
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Cited by
Calculation of fracture mechanics parameters for an arbitrary three‐dimensional crack, by the ‘equivalent domain integral’method
GP Nikishkov, SN Atluri
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 24 (9), 1801-1821, 1987
Introduction to the finite element method
GP Nikishkov
University of Aizu, 1-70, 2004
An equivalent domain integral method for computing crack-tip integral parameters in non-elastic, thermo-mechanical fracture
GP Nikishkov, SN Atluri
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 26 (6), 851-867, 1987
Curvature estimation for multilayer hinged structures with initial strains
GP Nikishkov
Journal of Applied Physics 94 (8), 5333-5336, 2003
Finite element method in fracture mechanics
EM Morozov, GP Nikishkov
M.: Nauka 250, 1980
An algorithm and a computer program for the three-term asymptotic expansion of elastic-plastic crack tip stress and displacement fields
GP Nikishkov
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 50 (1), 65-83, 1995
Calculation of the second fracture parameter for finite cracked bodies using a three-term elastic-plastic asymptotic expansion
GP Nikishkov, A Brückner-Foit, D Munz
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 52 (4), 685-701, 1995
SGBEM-FEM alternating method for analyzing 3D non-planar cracks and their growth in structural components
GP Nikishkov, JH Park, SN Atluri
CMES- Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences 2 (3), 401-422, 2001
Programming finite elements in JavaTM
GP Nikishkov
Springer Science & Business Media, 2010
Finite element mesh generation for composites with ply waviness based on X-ray computed tomography
G Nikishkov, Y Nikishkov, A Makeev
Advances in Engineering Software 58, 35-44, 2013
Comparison of C and Java performance in finite element computations
GP Nikishkov, YG Nikishkov, S V.V.
Computers and Structures 81, 20401-2408, 2003
Two-parameter JA concept in connection with crack-tip constraint
YG Matvienko, GP Nikishkov
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 92, 306-317, 2017
An analytical-numerical alternating method for elastic-plastic analysis of cracks
GP Nikishkov, SN Atluri
Computational Mechanics 13 (6), 427-442, 1994
Generalized plane strain deformation of multilayer structures with initial strains
Y Nishidate, GP Nikishkov
Journal of Applied physics 100 (11), 2006
Finite element analysis of self-positioning microstructures and nanostructures
GP Nikishkov, I Khmyrova, V Ryzhii
Nanotechnology 14 (7), 820, 2003
Object oriented design of a finite element code in Java
GP Nikishkov
Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences 11 (2), 81, 2006
Three-dimensional elastic-plastic J-integral calculations for semielliptical surface cracks in a tensile plate
GP Nikishkov, SN Atluri
Engineering fracture mechanics 29 (1), 81-87, 1988
Prediction of fracture toughness dependence on constraint parameter A using the weakest link model
GP Nikishkov
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 152, 193-200, 2016
Mesh-independent equivalent domain integral method for J-integral evaluation
GP Nikishkov, AV Vershinin, YG Nikishkov
Advances in Engineering Software 100, 308-318, 2016
Implementation of a generalized midpoint algorithm for integration of elastoplastic constitutive relations for von Mises' hardening material
GP Nikishkov, SN Atluri
Computers & structures 49 (6), 1037-1044, 1993
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Articles 1–20