Climate stress as a precursor to forest decline: paper birch in northern Michigan, 1985–1990 EA Jones, DD Reed, GD Mroz, HO Liechty, PJ Cattelino Canadian Journal of Forest Research 23 (2), 229-233, 1993 | 88 | 1993 |
Dissolved organic carbon in northern hardwood stands with differing acidic inputs and temperature regimes HO Liechty, E Kuuseoks, GD Mroz Journal of Environmental Quality 24 (5), 927-933, 1995 | 81 | 1995 |
Pit and mound topography and its influence on storage of carbon, nitrogen, and organic matter within an old-growth forest HO Liechty, MF Jurgensen, GD Mroz, MR Gale Canadian Journal of Forest Research 27 (12), 1992-1997, 1997 | 74 | 1997 |
Ion leaching in forest ecosystems along a Great Lakes air pollution gradient NW MacDonald, AJ Burton, HO Liechty, JA Witter, KS Pregitzer, GD Mroz, ... Journal of Environmental Quality 21 (4), 614-623, 1992 | 65 | 1992 |
Changes in microclimate after stand conversion in two northern hardwood stands HO Liechty, MJ Holmes, DD Reed, GD Mroz Forest Ecology and Management 50 (3-4), 253-264, 1992 | 54 | 1992 |
Width of sugar maple (Acer saccharum) tree rings as affected by climate CJ Lane, DD Reed, GD Mroz, HO Liechty Canadian Journal of Forest Research 23 (11), 2370-2375, 1993 | 48 | 1993 |
Soil chemistry and nutrient regimes following 17–21 years of shortleaf pine-bluestem restoration in the Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas HO Liechty, KR Luckow, JM Guldin Forest Ecology and Management 204 (2-3), 345-357, 2005 | 38 | 2005 |
A process-based growth model for young red pine Y Zhang, DD Reed, PJ Cattelino, MR Gale, EA Jones, HO Liechty, ... Forest Ecology and Management 69 (1-3), 21-40, 1994 | 37 | 1994 |
Foliar sulfur and nitrogen along an 800-km pollution gradient KS Pregitzer, AJ Burton, GD Mroz, HO Liechty, NW MacDonald Canadian Journal of Forest Research 22 (11), 1761-1769, 1992 | 35 | 1992 |
Cation and anion fluxes in northern hardwood throughfall along an acidic deposition gradient HO Liechty, GD Mroz, DD Reed Canadian Journal of Forest Research 23 (3), 457-467, 1993 | 32 | 1993 |
Above-and be Bow-ground biomass of precompetitive red pine in northern Michigan DD Reed, GD Mroz, HO Liechty, EA Jones, PJ Cattelino, NJ Balster, ... Canadian Journal of Forest Research 25 (7), 1064-1069, 1995 | 27 | 1995 |
A simple procedure for mapping tree locations in forest stands DD Reed, HO Liechty, AJ Burton Forest Science 35 (3), 657-662, 1989 | 27 | 1989 |
The growth and yield responses of a high site quality red pine plantation to seven thinning treatments and two thinning intervals HO Liechty, GD Mroz, DD Reed Canadian Journal of Forest Research 16 (3), 513-520, 1986 | 20 | 1986 |
Response of midrotation pine stands to fertilizer and herbicide application in the western Gulf Coastal Plain HO Liechty, C Fristoe Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 37 (2), 69-74, 2013 | 19 | 2013 |
Impacts of shortleaf pine-hardwood forest management on soils in the Ouachita Highlands: a review HO Liechty, MG Shelton, KR Luckow, DJ Turton Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 26 (1), 43-51, 2002 | 18 | 2002 |
Coarse woody debris of a prerestoration shortleaf pine-bluestem forest AM Spetich, HO Liechty, JA Stanturf, DA Marion, K Luckow, CE Meier, ... Proceedings of the eleventh biennial southern silvicultural research …, 2002 | 18 | 2002 |
Above-and belowground dry matter accumulation pattern derived from dimensional biomass relationships DD Reed, HO Liechty, EA Jones, Y Zhang Forest science 42 (2), 236-241, 1996 | 15 | 1996 |
Pyrolysis and combustion kinetics of raw and carbonized cottonwood and switchgrass agroforests S Sadaka, H Liechty, M Pelkki, M Blazier BioResources 10 (3), 4498-4518, 2015 | 14 | 2015 |
Assessment of repeated application of poultry litter on phosphorus and nitrogen dynamics in loblolly pine: Implications for water quality HO Liechty, MA Blazier, JP Wight, LA Gaston, JD Richardson, RL Ficklin Forest ecology and management 258 (10), 2294-2303, 2009 | 14 | 2009 |
Long-term effect of periodic fire on nutrient pools and soil chemistry in loblolly-shortleaf pine stands managed with single-tree selection HO Liechty, JJ Hooper Forest Ecology and Management 380, 252-260, 2016 | 13 | 2016 |