Galen Trail
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Cited by
The motivation scale for sport consumption: Assessment of the scale's psychometric properties.
GT Trail, JD James
Journal of sport behavior 24 (1), 2001
Sport spectator consumption behavior.
GT Trail, JS Fink, DF Anderson
Sport Marketing Quarterly 12 (1), 2003
A theoretical model of sport spectator consumption behavior
GT Trail, DF Anderson, JS Fink
International journal of sport management 1 (3), 154-180, 2000
An examination of team identification: Which motives are most salient to its existence?
JS Fink, GT Trail, DF Anderson
International Sports Journal 6 (2), 195, 2002
Relationships among spectator gender, motives, points of attachment, and sport preference
MJ Robinson, GT Trail
Journal of Sport management 19 (1), 58-80, 2005
Fans versus spectators in intercollegiate athletics
GT Trail, MJ Robinson, RJ Dick, AJ Gillentine
commitment 12 (4), 217-227, 2003
Consumer satisfaction and identity theory: A model of sport spectator conative loyalty.
GT Trail, DF Anderson, JS Fink
Sport Marketing Quarterly 14 (2), 2005
The mediating role of perceived value: Team identification and purchase intention of team-licensed apparel
HH Kwon, G Trail, JD James
Journal of Sport Management 21 (4), 540-554, 2007
Environmental factors associated with spectator attendance and sport consumption behavior: Gender and team differences.
JS Fink, GT Trail, DF Anderson
Sport Marketing Quarterly 11 (1), 2002
Constraints and motivators: A new model to explain sport consumer behavior
YK Kim, G Trail
Journal of sport management 24 (2), 190-210, 2010
A conceptual framework for understanding relationships between sport consumers and sport organizations: A relationship quality approach
YK Kim, G Trail
Journal of sport management 25 (1), 57-69, 2011
Are multiple points of attachment necessary to predict cognitive, affective, conative, or behavioral loyalty?
HH Kwon, GT Trail, DS Anderson
Sport Management Review 8 (3), 255-270, 2005
The influence of relationship quality on sport consumption behaviors: An empirical examination of the relationship quality framework
YK Kim, G Trail, YJ Ko
Journal of Sport Management 25 (6), 576-592, 2011
A model of volunteer retention in youth sport
M Kim, P Chelladurai, GT Trail
Journal of Sport Management 21 (2), 151-171, 2007
Psychological connection to a new sport team: Building or maintaining the consumer base?
JD James, RH Kolbe, GT Trail
Sport Marketing Quarterly 11 (4), 2002
Motives and points of attachment of professional golf spectators
MJ Robinson, GT Trail, H Kwon
Sport Management Review 7 (2), 167-192, 2004
Fans vs. Spectators: An Analysis of Those Who Attend Intercollegiate Football Games.
MJ Robinson, GT Trail, RJ Dick, AJ Gillentine
Sport Marketing Quarterly 14 (1), 2005
Sport Fan Motivation: A Comparison of American Students and International Students.
H Kwon, G Trail
Sport Marketing Quarterly 10 (3), 2001
Testing models of motives and points of attachment among spectators in college football.
B Woo, GT Trail, HH Kwon, D Anderson
Sport Marketing Quarterly 18 (1), 2009
Sport consumer behavior: A test for group differences on structural constraints
GT Trail, MJ Robinson, YK Kim
Sport Marketing Quarterly 17 (4), 190, 2008
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Articles 1–20