Analysis of country-wide internet outages caused by censorship A Dainotti, C Squarcella, E Aben, KC Claffy, M Chiesa, M Russo, ... Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement …, 2011 | 345 | 2011 |
Measuring the deployment of IPv6: topology, routing and performance A Dhamdhere, M Luckie, B Huffaker, KC Claffy, A Elmokashfi, E Aben Proceedings of the 2012 Internet Measurement Conference, 537-550, 2012 | 152 | 2012 |
RPKI is coming of age: A longitudinal study of RPKI deployment and invalid route origins T Chung, E Aben, T Bruijnzeels, B Chandrasekaran, D Choffnes, D Levin, ... Proceedings of the Internet Measurement Conference, 406-419, 2019 | 96 | 2019 |
Detecting peering infrastructure outages in the wild V Giotsas, C Dietzel, G Smaragdakis, A Feldmann, A Berger, E Aben Proceedings of the conference of the ACM special interest group on data …, 2017 | 84 | 2017 |
On the diversity of interdomain routing in africa R Fanou, P Francois, E Aben Passive and Active Measurement: 16th International Conference, PAM 2015, New …, 2015 | 74 | 2015 |
Reasons dynamic addresses change R Padmanabhan, A Dhamdhere, E Aben, KC Claffy, N Spring Proceedings of the 2016 internet measurement conference, 183-198, 2016 | 73 | 2016 |
Extracting benefit from harm: using malware pollution to analyze the impact of political and geophysical events on the Internet A Dainotti, R Amman, E Aben, KC Claffy ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 42 (1), 31-39, 2012 | 60 | 2012 |
Pinpointing delay and forwarding anomalies using large-scale traceroute measurements R Fontugne, C Pelsser, E Aben, R Bush Proceedings of the 2017 Internet Measurement Conference, 15-28, 2017 | 56 | 2017 |
The (thin) bridges of as connectivity: Measuring dependency using as hegemony R Fontugne, A Shah, E Aben Passive and Active Measurement: 19th International Conference, PAM 2018 …, 2018 | 46 | 2018 |
the CAIDA DDoS attack 2007 dataset P Hick, E Aben, KC Claffy, J Polterock URL: http://www. caida. org/data/passive/ddos-20070804_ dataset. xml, 2007 | 43 | 2007 |
Disco: Fast, good, and cheap outage detection A Shah, R Fontugne, E Aben, C Pelsser, R Bush 2017 Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), 1-9, 2017 | 39 | 2017 |
Tracking the deployment of IPv6: Topology, routing and performance S Jia, M Luckie, B Huffaker, A Elmokashfi, E Aben, K Claffy, A Dhamdhere Computer Networks 165, 106947, 2019 | 38 | 2019 |
The CAIDA IPv4 routed/24 topology dataset Y Hyun, B Huffaker, D Andersen, E Aben, C Shannon, M Luckie, K Claffy URL http://www. caida. org/data/active/ipv4_routed_24_topology_dataset. xml, 2011 | 36 | 2011 |
Gaining insight into as-level outages through analysis of internet background radiation K Benson, A Dainotti, KC Claffy, E Aben Proceedings of the 2012 ACM conference on CoNEXT student workshop, 63-64, 2012 | 35 | 2012 |
Trehalose Phosphorylase Activity and Carbohydrate Levels During Axenic Fruiting in Three Agaricus bisporus Strains WJB Wannet, EMJ Aben, C van der Drift, LJLD Van Griensven, GD Vogels, ... Current Microbiology 39, 205-210, 1999 | 34 | 1999 |
Conficker/conflicker/downadup as seen from the ucsd network telescope E Aben Online, CAIDA Network Telescope Project-Backscatter, 2009 | 29 | 2009 |
Vantage point selection for IPv6 measurements: Benefits and limitations of RIPE Atlas tags V Bajpai, SJ Eravuchira, J Schönwälder, R Kisteleki, E Aben 2017 IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Network and Service Management (IM …, 2017 | 28 | 2017 |
Four years tracking unrevealed topological changes in the African interdomain R Fanou, P Francois, E Aben, M Mwangi, N Goburdhan, F Valera Computer Communications 106, 117-135, 2017 | 26 | 2017 |
RoVista: Measuring and analyzing the route origin validation (ROV) in RPKI W Li, Z Lin, MI Ashiq, E Aben, R Fontugne, A Phokeer, T Chung Proceedings of the 2023 ACM on Internet Measurement Conference, 73-88, 2023 | 20 | 2023 |
BGP zombies: An analysis of beacons stuck routes R Fontugne, E Bautista, C Petrie, Y Nomura, P Abry, P Gonçalves, ... Passive and Active Measurement: 20th International Conference, PAM 2019 …, 2019 | 20 | 2019 |