Christopher Carpenter
Cited by
Cited by
A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of health belief model variables in predicting behavior
CJ Carpenter
Health communication 25 (8), 661-669, 2010
Narcissism on Facebook: Self-promotional and anti-social behavior
CJ Carpenter
Personality and individual differences 52 (4), 482-486, 2012
An agenda for open science in communication
T Dienlin, N Johannes, ND Bowman, PK Masur, S Engesser, AS Kümpel, ...
Journal of Communication 71 (1), 1-26, 2021
Sample sizes and effect sizes are negatively correlated in meta-analyses: Evidence and implications of a publication bias against nonsignificant findings
TR Levine, KJ Asada, C Carpenter
Communication Monographs 76 (3), 286-302, 2009
Meta-analyses of sex differences in responses to sexual versus emotional infidelity: Men and women are more similar than different
CJ Carpenter
Psychology of Women Quarterly 36 (1), 25-37, 2012
A meta-analysis of the ELM's argument quality× processing type predictions
CJ Carpenter
Human Communication Research 41 (4), 501-534, 2015
On replication in communication science
B McEwan, CJ Carpenter, D Westerman
Communication Studies 69 (3), 235-241, 2018
The players of micro-dating: Individual and gender differences in goal orientations toward micro-dating apps
CJ Carpenter, B McEwan
First monday, 2016
Cognitive dissonance, ego-involvement, and motivated reasoning
CJ Carpenter
Annals of the International Communication Association 43 (1), 1-23, 2019
A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of the “but you are free” compliance-gaining technique
CJ Carpenter
Communication Studies 64 (1), 6-17, 2013
Exploring romantic relationships on social networking sites using the self-expansion model
CJ Carpenter, EL Spottswood
Computers in Human Behavior 29 (4), 1531-1537, 2013
The relationship between cheating behavior and sensation-seeking
DC DeAndrea, C Carpenter, H Shulman, TR Levine
Personality and Individual Differences 47 (8), 944-947, 2009
Functional attitude theory
C Carpenter, FJ Boster, KR Andrews
The SAGE handbook of persuasion: Developments in theory and practice 2, 104-119, 2013
The politics of racism: Constructions of African immigrants in China on ChinaSMACK
TM Pfafman, CJ Carpenter, Y Tang
Communication, Culture & Critique 8 (4), 540-556, 2015
Measuring the construct of warranting value and testing warranting theory
DC DeAndrea, CJ Carpenter
Communication Research 45 (8), 1193-1215, 2018
A big data approach to assessing the impact of social norms: Reporting one’s exercise to a social media audience
CJ Carpenter, CS Amaravadi
Communication Research 46 (2), 236-249, 2019
The legitimization of paltry favors effect: A review and meta-analysis
KR Andrews, CJ Carpenter, AS Shaw, FJ Boster
Communication Reports 21 (2), 59-69, 2008
A meta-analysis of the functional matching effect based on functional attitude theory
CJ Carpenter
Southern Communication Journal 77 (5), 438-451, 2012
A critical look at meta‐analytic evidence for the cognitive approach to lie detection: A re‐examination of Vrij, Fisher, and Blank (2017)
TR Levine, JP Blair, CJ Carpenter
Legal and Criminological Psychology 23 (1), 7-19, 2018
Evidence for the validity of a social connectedness scale: Connectors amass bridging social capital online and offline
CJ Carpenter, FJ Boster, M Kotowski, JP Day
Communication Quarterly 63 (2), 119-134, 2015
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Articles 1–20